Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. I come to you this day Lord my God for I have no other person to run to… I thank you for the gift of life… I thank you for all you done for me and my family.. MY God .. My Father in heaven am held down by too many worries.. I feel am loosing everything.. Am afiad of loosing… Please do not forsake me .. Look not on my sins but upon the strong faith I have in you… Come to my aid.. Give me the power to solve my problems.. Give me wisdom.. Shield me, guide me.. Answer my prayers.. Through me, show to the world that you are inded God… We are your children’s do not leave us in dismay… I pray for my family , I pray for my loved one.. Miss Amarachi ekebuike, don’t let her worries make her take the wrong step.. Heal her of all her worries, sickness, wounds.. Heal my family… I promise never to turn my back on you when all this are over.. I pray in your holy name Jesus Christ . Amen

  2. Dear Lord, hear our prayers. Almighty Father, Lord Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit and all the Saints that watch over us, please pray for me and my family, stand by us, protect us and keep us safe. I humbly beg of You, grant me the one Miracle that I pray for in my prayers and petitions each and every day. Continue to help us in every way and anyway that You can. Please find it in your hearts to pray for all the petitioners on this wonderful site. In Your names I ask these things. Thank You for prayers answered. Amen, amen.

  3. Dear community please join me in thanking God for hearkening to your intercessions on behalf of me and my household during the critical time of our needs. I offer my prayers of mercy, protection and care to God on behalf of all refugees all over the world and all doctors and missionaries without border.Join me in praying for the souls of the 4 reverend sisters killed in Yemen and all the faceless martyrs giving up their lives for spreading of the gospel.

  4. Dear lord our God hear our prayers because we can do nothing without your grace pls lord come to our aid these day we pray thee

  5. Comment:Christ Jesus through Mary, see me through the good intention my friend has for me to take care of my family. Thank you for my answerred Prayer and those my brothers/sistets around the world.

  6. Our Heavenly Father, In all modesty I come to You as always to first to thank You for Your unconditional love, grace, blessings, protection and guide, which You have so unfailingly favored me with and I am so fortunate to receive and accept. I humbly pray to You asking for Your assistance with my family, that we may heal physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually with love, health, forgiveness, respect and tolerance with/to each other, and unite us as a family. Please Lord, unite my family. Oh Merciful God, hear our prayers. Almighty Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Blessed Virgin Mary, all choir of Angels, and all the Saints that watch over us, please pray for me and my family, stand by us, protect us and keep us safe. I humbly beg of You, to grant me this one Miracle that I pray for in my prayers and petitions each and every day, and continue to bless us in every way and anyway that You can, You are my rock and I love you. In Jesus name, Amen, Amen, Amen. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

  7. Please pray for a friend of mine (Rob) who is having problem with his health. He is having some sort of problem with his heart. May God be with him as he go through this difficult time. Through this experience, may it help him to strengthen his faith.
    Please also pray for peace: in the world, our country, in my family, and in myself.


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