This is an incredible, feel-good story to hear!

Three weeks ago, the Discalced Carmelite nuns of Havana said they ran out of flour to make communion hosts after a shortage hit Cuba.

At the Monastery of the Discalced Carmelites of Santa Teresa, the nuns produce hosts for almost every diocese in the country.

Miraculously, they were able to keep their production going.

A post shared by the Facebook page Vida Cristiana explained that after news of them running out of flour went viral, unexpected donations of flour poured in!

“What is impressive about all this is how it has moved the hearts of so many people of good will who have offered little or much to keep the work going.”

They said “the active participation and communion have been a patent miracle” and “He who performed the multiplication of the loaves has shown his power with the multiplication of flour.”

God is good!


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  1. my comment is on the comment above, that was posted at 6:34am……it had no reference to the story of the Nuns running out of flower to make communion hosts for all the Churches in Cuba. I


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