Last Friday, Pope Francis met with musicians competing to perform in the Vatican’s Christmas Concert.

The contest aims to give “a voice to young people by inviting them to create new songs inspired by Christmas and its values.”

He first thanked the contestants and the organizers of the concert for “giving a voice to young people” and “enhancing their creativity.”

He then wished them the best with their work, but also warned them not to lose sight of the real meaning of Christmas.

“Don’t seek to be like the big ‘stars’ of show business. Don’t follow the trends and designs of success. Don’t recite the clichés of a false and corny Christmas that has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and its significance for humanity today.”

He highlighted how is important they reflect on the fact that God came through a “helpless baby, born of a Virgin, in a cave.”

“Awe. If one does not feel the amazement, the song does not speak to the heart, does not communicate.”

Their music can be a tool for achieving peace, as a “universal language” able to cross borders and barriers.

“In a world that holds many difficulties and uncertainties, music humanizes, and to educate means essentially to humanize. How badly we need today to become more human. That’s why God made Himself man, to share this path with us.”

Ending his speech, the Holy Father wished them the best in the competition and in their “artistic journey.”

“Let us continue to dream of peace and work for peace, sowing seeds of fraternity and social friendship.” 

🙏 Pray for peace!

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