Pope Francis is known for his compassionate and caring nature, and he recently shared a heartwarming story about a chance encounter that had a profound impact on both him and the young man he met.

While on his way to confession one evening, Pope Francis was approached by a tough-looking, tattooed young man who thanked him for the advice he had given him. The man told Pope Francis that his words had helped him to face a “serious” problem and had given him the strength and courage to overcome it.

The Pope was moved by the man’s gratitude and was struck by the transformative power of a simple act of kindness. He listened attentively as the man shared his story, and offered words of encouragement and support. The man was clearly touched by Pope Francis’ genuine concern and kindness, and thanked him profusely for taking the time to listen and offer guidance.

Read Pope Francis account of the encounter:

“I remember once, during a youth pilgrimmage that we do once a year to a sanctuary in Luján, some 40 miles from Buenos Aires. Getting there took all day, and I was in the habit of confessing at night.

A young man came up to me, he must have been 22 years old. With so many things on him, tattooes. “Oh my God,” I thought, “what is going to happen?”

And he told me: “I came because I have a serious problem, and I told my mother about it, and she told me to go to Our Lady, make a pilgrimmage, and Mary will tell you.

And so I came, I’ve had contact with the bible here, I listened to the word of God and it touched my heart, and so I must do this and that.” The word of God touches our hearts and changes our lives, and I’ve seen this happen so many times, many times.”

This encounter served as a powerful reminder of the importance of offering support and guidance to those in need and of the enduring impact that one person’s words can have on another. It also highlights the importance of breaking down stereotypes and judging people based on their character rather than their appearance. Pope Francis has always been a strong advocate for this message, and this encounter further reinforced his belief in the goodness of all people.

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