Mary Wore This When She Gave Birth to Jesus

Given Mary's Assumption into Heaven, where she left behind no physical body on Earth, no bodily Marian relics remain. However, one relic that does remain is the sancta camisia, the veil she wore while giving birth to Jesus Christ.

Enjoy Chicken? Thank Medieval Catholic Monks.

Today's chickens are bred to be very passive with little fear of humans and an ability to lay many eggs quickly. However, chickens were not always the easy-going birds they are today. If you can't get enough of chicken or eggs, you should probably thank medieval Catholic monks.

How Catholic Missionaries Founded California

Since the Great Commission given by Christ to go and convert the whole world, missionaries have traveled to every corner of the Earth to spread the Gospel. One such corner of the Earth is the Golden State of California, founded in part by Catholic Missionaries.

The Book That Almost Made It into the Bible

During the infancy of the Church, the New Testament was gradually developed as early Church fathers agreed upon which texts to include during the canonization process. Most don't know about the book that almost made it into the Bible, The Shepherd of Hermas.

Why Is the Pope Called “the Pope”?

When a man has been elected to the papacy, he chooses a papal name and is bestowed with eight official titles. It might surprise you that of those eight titles, pope is not one of them. So then, why do we call the pope "the pope?"

The Catholic Patron Saint of Countries

As Catholics, we ask for the intercession of patron saints in Heaven to pray for us on our behalf. Do you know the patron saint to pray to for your country?

Was There Really Darkness and an Earthquake at the Crucifixion? 3...

When Christ was Crucified, a great and unusual darkness struck the land, and an earthquake split rock in twain. While today some may dismiss the Gospel's recounting of the events as imaginative fiction, what secular evidence do we have to support the Crucifixion darkness?

The 10 Countries With The Most Catholics

Every year the Vatican publishes their directory book, the Annuario Pontificio, containing statistics from the Vatican Central Office for Church Statistics.

Is This the House Where Jesus and Saint Peter Lived?

The Bible makes little reference to suggest where Jesus and the disciplines lived in the village of Capernaum, but its most likely that He lived with Saint Peter. Have archaeologists discovered the ancient home of Jesus and Saint Peter?

Three Indulgences You Can Receive During the Easter Triduum

Here are three indulgences available that you can receive during the Easter Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.