Saint Pacificus of San Severino
Saint Pacificus of San Severino, an ascetic preacher, endured immense suffering, offered for sinners' redemption, and was canonized in 1839 after performing numerous healings.
Saint Paul of Constantinople
Saint Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, during the period of bitter controversy in the Church over the Arian heresy. Elected in 336 to succeed Alexander of Constantinople, the following year he was exiled to Pontus by Emperor Constantius II. Here he was deliberately starved and finally strangled by Arian supporters. He is considered a martyr for the orthodox cause and was a close friend St. Athanasius.
Saint Hildegard of Bingen
Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Doctor of the Church, was a pioneering medieval figure, excelling in theology, music, and mysticism.
Pope Saint Cornelius
Pope Saint Cornelius faced challenges from apostates and the Rigorists, but upheld that repentant lapsi could rejoin the Church with proper penance, before dying a martyr.
Saint Rosalia
Saint Rosalia, born in Palermo and descendant of Charlemagne, chose a life of solitude in devotion to God, her legacy celebrated on September 4th.
Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows
The Seven Sorrows of Mary feast originated in 1239 by the Servite Order, focusing on Mary's anguish during Christ's Crucifixion and encompassing events across her life.
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
The Feast of Mary's Birth honors her unique role and anticipates Jesus' birth, linking Mary closely to the story of salvation in Christian tradition.
Martyrs of the French Revolution
During the French Revolution, the Carmelite Massacre of 1792 saw 200 religious figures brutally murdered for refusing a government-mandated schismatic oath.
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (1568-1591) renounced his right to the title of Marquis and to the vast wealth he was destined to inherit, he joined the Jesuits. During his training in Rome, he would care for victims of the plague in the streets. He himself contracted the disease as a result of his efforts for the suffering and died on June 21, 1591, at the age of twenty-three, six years short of his ordination as a Jesuit priest.
Saints Joachim and Anne, Grandparents of Jesus
Saints Joachim and Anne, devout parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus, exemplified profound faith and were blessed with Mary after initial childlessness.