
Gospel Reflection For January 27, 2018 – Third Sunday of Ordinary...

Our Lord Jesus, is a healer. Father Burns reflects on the Gospel Readings for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Why Does the Catholic Bible Have More Books?

Why Does the Catholic Bible Have More Books? Or should the real question be "Why do Protestant Bibles have fewer books?"

15 Things That Need To Stop Happening During Mass

In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys talk about all the irritating, distracting, and bad practices and behaviors that need to stop happening during The Holy Mass.

The Miracle of Lanciano

The Miracle of Lanciano is officially recognized by the Catholic Church as a true Eucharistic Miracle. It was the first and greatest Eucharistic Miracle...

Pope’s Intention For June 2016: Solidarity in Cities

That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find–even within the huge cities of the world–opportunities for encounter and solidarity.

Evangelize The World

Sharing good news with people you love - that's what evangelizaiton is all about.

The Miraculous Divine Mercy & The Visions of Saint Faustina

In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys explore the history and miracles around the Divine Mercy image and Saint Faustina Kowalska. Jesus, I Trust In You!

Gospel Reflection For January 20, 2018 – Second Sunday of Ordinary...

Our Blessed Mother always leads us to Jesus! Father Burns reflects on the Gospel Readings for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Does The Catholic Church Have Too Many Rules?

Rules. Rules. Rules. People can tend to look at religion as merely a rule book on living a good life, but is that what religion is really all about?

Veni, Veni, Emmanuel (Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel)

"Veni Veni Emmanuel" (Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel" in English) is one of the most solemn Advent hymns. The melody may perhaps be a old Jewish-Christian Hanuka liturgy chant from the 5th century. It is believed that the final form of the traditional music stems from a 15th Century French processional for Franciscan nuns, but it may also have 8th Century Gregorian origins. . The text is based on the biblical prophecy from Isaiah 7:14 that states that God will give Israel a sign that will be called "Emmanuel" meaning "God With Us".