UFC World Champion Fighter And Devout Catholic


In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John are joined by legendary UFC Hall of Fame fighter, Bas Rutten, to discuss his life as a world champion fighter and how his Catholic Faith has changed everything he does. We have time to discuss his life of ultimate discipline and the similarities between physical training and spiritual combat. Bas’s conversion to Faith is incredible and matches well with his life as a world-renowned fighter and MMA champion.

In this episode we discuss;

  • His Childhood Being Bullied
  • His most memorable fights
  • His conversion to the Catholic Faith
  • What his Faith life currently looks like and his devotion to the Rosary
  • What a world champion fighter has to say about peace
  • And More

Sebastiaan “Bas” Rutten (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈbɑs ˈrʏtə(n)];) is a Dutch retired mixed martial artist (MMA), Karate and Taekwondo blackbelt, and Muay Thai kickboxer. He was a UFC Heavyweight Champion, a three-time King of Pancrase world champion, and finished his career on a 22 fight unbeaten streak (21 wins, 1 draw ) . Bas has been inducted to the UFC Hall of Fame in 2015. He suffered severe asthma in his childhood years and inspired by his struggle breathing developed the https://www.o2trainer.com. When Bas is not teaching at his gym in Westlake Village , he might be working on some acting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bas_Rutten or commentating at https://www.karate.com/ with Kenny Rice. https://basrutten.com/

Written interview with Bas Rutten – https://catholicgentleman.com/2017/01/faith-fighter-interview-mma-legend-bas-rutten/

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