Saint Faustina Kowalska delivered the profound message of God’s mercy to the world through her experiences with the Lord Jesus. She demonstrated the Christian ideal of deep trust in God and boundless mercy towards others.

Born to a devout peasant family in Glogowiec, Poland, on August 25, 1905, Helena Kowalska was the third of ten children. Early in her life, her passion for prayer, hard work, compassion for the needy, and obedience distinguished her. By sixteen, she worked as a housemaid, assisting her family financially.

Although she felt her calling to serve God at seven, her parents discouraged her initial wish to join the convent. It wasn’t until a vision of Christ in 1925 that she joined the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, adopting the name Sister Mary Faustina. Over thirteen years, she lived in various religious houses.

Externally, her life seemed routine. Yet, she enjoyed a profound, intimate relationship with God, experiencing exceptional spiritual gifts such as visions, revelations, and mystical experiences. She saw the supernatural world as tangibly as the physical one.

One notable vision on February 22, 1931, was of Jesus as the King of Divine Mercy. He wore a white robe, one hand raised in blessing, and the other at his chest, from which two radiant rays, one red and one pale, emanated. This image became the iconic Divine Mercy representation. Despite initial hesitations from her convent superiors, Father Michael Sopocko, her spiritual director, supported her in spreading this devotion and even financed the creation and distribution of the Divine Mercy image and chaplets.

However, St. Faustina recognized that such divine gifts did not equate to sanctity. She penned in her diary that true sanctity lay in aligning one’s will with God’s, emphasizing a deep, personal connection over mere spiritual gifts.

Her writings, compiled as “Divine Mercy In My Soul”, have been translated worldwide, resonating not just with the faithful but also with theological scholars.

Suffering from tuberculosis and numerous ailments, St. Faustina saw these as sacrifices for humanity’s sins. She passed away in Kraków on October 5, 1938, at only 33, leaving behind a legacy of divine connection and compassion.

Her devotion to the Divine Mercy grew posthumously, culminating in her canonization by Pope John Paul II in 1993. Today, her remains lie at the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy in Kraków, continuing to inspire devotion and faith in believers worldwide.

Editorial credit: Renata Sedmakova /
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  1. We pray to God through the Intersession of Sister Faustina to enable us detach from the addictions that have come to hold us hostage. Pray for us Sister Faustina of the Divine Mercy.

  2. Comment:I respect faith of others. But faith comes from hearing the word of God. In our Kenyan education allowed her pupils to go to God directly as taught in six classes. In Kenya

  3. Lord King of Glory, hear my prayer and supplication through the intercession of Blessed Mary Mystical Rose and Saint Faustina

  4. Saint Faustina I believe is destined to become of the greatest of all the saints. So many seemingly impossible missions she acknoplished in her short 33 years here on Earth, the same time as her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Sunday after Easte,r Devine Mercy Sunday, judged and shunned as impossible, but now it is a fact. Look at the moves now happening now in the Church, alll towards Mercy and Compassion. Even after death I see her working for once lost souls, lost in fear, come to new life in Christ. Was Saint Faaustina helping me out, interceding for me, perhaps. That is today my passion as well and with Pope Francis at the helm, the Vicar of Christ on Earth today, expect great things to be set in motion. Prise God in all of His Majesty .Amen and Amen.

  5. La misericordia de Dios y el sufrimiento de Santa Faustina nos enseñé y amparen en nuestros corazones y entendimiento por el amor a Dios y sus bendiciones . Gracias por este espacio y lecturas que ofrecen la posibilidad de entregarse uno y unir nuestras propias almas a nuestro amo y servidor , mi padre Dios . Gracias Santa Faustina por tan bonita fe que ilumina mi alma y me ayuda a comprender razón en mi vida y la de mí familia . Mi Dios en ti confío AMÉN .


  7. […] Today the Church honors one of my favorite saints, Saint Faustina Kowalska. Jesus gave her the mission to spread the Divine Mercy devotion throughout the world. He has used her in powerful ways in countless lives. I’m on year 3 of reading her famous diary. Her intimate relationship with Jesus is breathtaking. She is honest and open with him about her doubts and fears as well as her deep love and desire for him. I strongly recommend reading her Diary. It is packed full of beauty and passages to pray with. For more information on Saint Faustina check out: […]

  8. O Jesus, who filled your handmaid Saint Faustina with profound veneration for your boundless Mercy, deign, if it be your Holy Will, to grant me, through her intercession, the grace for which I fervently pray (here make your request).

    My sins render me unworthy of Your Mercy, but be mindful of Saint Faustina’s spirit of sacrifice and self-denial, and reward her virtue by granting the petition, which, with childlike confidence, I present to You through her intercession. Amen.

  9. Oh God…Our heavenly Father..Thank You !! For giving us Jesus,our only beloved Son to die for our sins,for giving us Mother Mary to intercessed our petitions to you,for our beloved Saints.St. Faustina,pray for us..thank you for giving me a chance to see you in Poland. Holy Spirit, please do guide me in the road of righteouness. Our loving and merciful God,please bless and protect my husband,son and myself. Please keep us away from accidents,harm and diseases. Please sustain us in good health,please keep us with our jobs to support each others and our extended families. Please bless and protect my siblings and their children. Please bless my sister -inlaw,Marilou with his upcoming surgery and her donor. My eternal rest be granted to the reposed souls of parents,inllaws,Mama Edith and family members. I do ask these petitions in Jesus name,with Mama Mary intercessions,beloved Saints and angels. Amen.


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