Retaliation: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
So many chapters. So many verses. But these were the words — from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, in the Gospel of Matthew — found permanently exposed at Ground Zero after the Sept. 11 attacks. The pages of the Bible in which they were printed had fused to a chunk of steel as the World Trade Center collapsed, to be found only months later.
A firefighter found the fragment in March 2002, under the Tully Road, a temporary truck route that covered the last remnants of the south tower. He called out to the photographer, who happened to be nearby.
“This shredded, burned and rubble-covered Bible came to me from the loving hands of a fireman who knew that I was the record keeper of ground zero,” Mr. Meyerowitz said in an e-mail from Italy, where he now lives.
“My astonishment at seeing the page that the Bible was open to made me realize that the Bible’s message survives throughout time,” he said, “and in every era we interpret its teachings freshly, as the occasion demands.”
God is watching us and maybe wants the bible page to reach people n read it internalize the meaning of the written page … to believe in God.
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have Mercy On us & On the Whole World, Amen. Jesus King of Mercy, We Trust In You. Let’s all try to internalize & follow this teaching believing in it fully & truly we will be in the right WAY . AMEN!
Divine Mercy Chaplet prayer ✝️
How can be sure that this presumed sign is not intended, rather, more to illuminate the consciences of Muslims as to aberrations inherent in the Qur’an?
Of course, I am abstracting from possible culpability on the part of non-Muslim persons who might have colluded with or aided in any way that this event occur.
Thought so too as I read the story.
Totally agree.
Lord, You always do things other than humans , Thanks My God ! Amen !
Precious word of God. Oh Jesus our Lord. Oh that You would be Fused to the steel of our soul
Wow! Of all the 911 tributes,videos and photos,words can not show the true power of God. God’s message is all around us we just fall to see it. Thankfully every now and again God places a reminder right in front of us, to remind us of a better more meaningful way to live or life in his light. I pray for those lost on that day,even more for those family members who have lost someone that day. On this day I pray for all humanity to go forward with God in there heat and soul to make this place a better one for everyone in it,
Of all the comments, I like this one the best.
Here we are again. 9 /11 / 17.
nottalotta posts. Cruise missiles and millions dead in Iraq and Afghanistan , Syria and Libya.
So many countless hours praying to fairy elves in sky while children died in toxic gas attacks and whole cities blasted into dust.
Glad you stopped to read the article. Praying for you now, too. And may you have great success stopping the bombs and destruction and death.
That verse I think only telling us to forgive our enemies irrespective of how much pain they’ve caused us. God continue to bless America.
It’s real, one can not grasp its meaningful meaning unless one has true faith in God , Jesus the Christ.
Where was god to stop the actual planes from going into the building and killing all those people? You people are deranged. A page of a fictional book written in the 13th century gets burned into a rock and that is a sign? Holy living hell.
Joe, joe, You know that gods have not been shown to exist, so you have to take their belief on faith. Remember without their belief in gods, they would be out in the streets raping and killing, just like all the atheists are doing now.
Joe, God allows us to love and obey Him or despise and disobey Him. We will ultimately face Him and pay the price or reap the rewards for our decision. There is still time for you to choose. I pray you will choose wisely.
Joe Loyd, It seems that you do understand the concept of blackmail, you have just describe it correctly.
//God allows us to love and obey Him or despise and disobey Him. We will ultimately face Him and pay the price or reap the rewards for our decision. There is still time for you to choose. I pray you will choose wisely.//
Pay the ransom or I will send your family those pictures. I pray that you will choose wisely.
Maybe the word pay should be taken out of that aentence.
God will not force you to Love Him. But unless you choose willingly to Love him His saving grace cannot flow out of Him and save you. God is Love: and in order for Love to be shared one must Love back. Even when you don’t Love Him He still Loves you. He wants more than anything to save you and unless you give Him permission to save you, (yes the almighty needs you to say yes to him) then because He will not force you to do anything you have free will henceforth it is your rejection of his saving grace that causes your demise. In this case that would be (The inability to fellowship with God).
So you’re saying you believe in Big Bang (proposed by a Priest and was applauded by Einstein himself btw). So you’re saying that all these intelligent design was just randomness of inanimate objects? Super Novas, Cosmic Clouds, Expansion from the event horizon, constant expansion, how this whole universe is darn big and yet no other life forms are discovered except humans? (Aliens? have they been confirmed?) etc. Really? Universe’s randomness? Magically Poof outta nowhere? You’re Body’s ability to adapt and the way it repairs itself, all randomness? the precise execution of motor skills? cell repair? limitation of brain capacity? Mortality? Reproduction? Ecosystem? (Oh, man should be blamed btw, for imbalance)
Let me explain this to ya:
There was this guy who did not believe in laws (Joker?) and because he didn’t have laws he wreck havoc and CHAOSSSSS. Could anyone condemn this guy? So you’re saying that this guy should be what? Killed? Accepted? Apprehended? He’ll be like “The only way to live in this world is to be without rules”
Then you’ll be like “We are rational creatures! we know right from wrong” Oh do you now? Tell me, have you never offended anyone in your life? have you not broken any rule? If you say did, shouldn’t you know they were wrong? If you say didn’t, I know someone will point out you did. (e.g. ever use cuss? people say it’s bad? those are their rules, if you don’t believe cussing is bad, then what is bad? can I also say that telling people “you’re greatl” is bad? whose rule do you follow then?
Bottom line? what do you want to do? Do you not believe in God because He doesn’t seem like He’s the most loving and accepting God even though we all know that these things that happen are because of our choices? (Why blame God for all the idiocy we do? He doesn’t exist, for you, right? Go ahead and go to war zone Oh great humanitarian, and be of service or can you stop wars? talk to leaders? Oh you can’t? Blame God right? Blame the things you can’t do to something that doesn’t exist, or do we go back to “why isn’t God fixing our *****?”) And why the free will? (Just like how you hate it when your Dad tells you off, the old man knows life after years of “random” existence, and you’re saying you know more than your dad right? ever fought/rebelled against your folk? We all kinda did sometime, so please don’t proceed with the “not me” that’s baloney). You’re saying God is a dictator? News Flash, He don’t need you to believe Him, doesn’t make Him less of a God. Like you can choose to follow the law or not. If someone goes to jail, can he point out: “Those are your laws!!! not mine!! (still goes to jail tho)” Check this man: “He’s your God, not mine!!”. It’s funny how people believe those laws written by people and believe them to be “just”. Wait? Who gave the criteria? Who made the basis of right or wrong? Who said killing is bad? that theft is bad? that adultery causes divorce? (I’ll give you a hint: Moses). If you still don’t get this, Then maybe you can discover how nothingness came to be with science, start probably before the event horizon. No one knows what came before that, maybe you’ll discover it. give it a try.
He was right where he was when his son died on the cross. God Bless you!
Hey Joe Kurac, God allows us to sin, including denying His existence. It is called FREE WILL! Without it, you and all of us would be mindless robots. God wanted mankind to freely choose to love or not love and serve Him. He will judge all men after death. If we did not repent and ask forgiveness for our sins before we died, we WILL spend ETERNITY in a place without Him, a place with endless sorrow, pain and loss called Hell. And we will only have ourselves to blame. BUT if we did repent, ask forgiveness, love and serve Him until death, we will be in ETERNAL joy, happiness and peace so great that we cannot imagine it, in His Heavenly Kingdom with Him. It is YOUR CHOICE, Joe. I KNOW what my choice is!
What kind of “loving” god would think this was moral? Believe in me or burn for all eternity. How is it moral to inflict an infinite penalty for a finite act? If that is what a god would expect, he is immoral and not someone deserving of worship.
All acts are eternal. All sin resounds eternally throughout the cosmos.
So you’re saying you believe in Big Bang (proposed by a Priest and was applauded by Einstein himself btw). So you’re saying that all these intelligent design was just randomness of inanimate objects? Super Novas, Cosmic Clouds, Expansion from the event horizon, constant expansion, how this whole universe is darn big and yet no other life forms are discovered except humans? (Aliens? have they been confirmed?) etc. Really? Universe’s randomness? Magically Poof outta nowhere? You’re Body’s ability to adapt and the way it repairs itself, all randomness? the precise execution of motor skills? cell repair? limitation of brain capacity? Mortality? Reproduction? Ecosystem? (Oh, man should be blamed btw, for imbalance)
Let me explain this to ya:
There was this guy who did not believe in laws (Joker?) and because he didn’t have laws he wreck havoc and CHAOSSSSS. Could anyone condemn this guy? So you’re saying that this guy should be what? Killed? Accepted? Apprehended? He’ll be like “The only way to live in this world is to be without rules”
Then you’ll be like “We are rational creatures! we know right from wrong” Oh do you now? Tell me, have you never offended anyone in your life? have you not broken any rule? If you say did, shouldn’t you know they were wrong? If you say didn’t, I know someone will point out you did. (e.g. ever use cuss? people say it’s bad? those are their rules, if you don’t believe cussing is bad, then what is bad? can I also say that telling people “you’re greatl” is bad? whose rule do you follow then?
Bottom line? what do you want to do? Do you not believe in God because He doesn’t seem like He’s the most loving and accepting God even though we all know that these things that happen are because of our choices? (Why blame God for all the idiocy we do? He doesn’t exist, for you, right? Go ahead and go to war zone Oh great humanitarian, and be of service or can you stop wars? talk to leaders? Oh you can’t? Blame God right? Blame the things you can’t do to something that doesn’t exist, or do we go back to “why isn’t God fixing our *****?”) And why the free will? (Just like how you hate it when your Dad tells you off, the old man knows life after years of “random” existence, and you’re saying you know more than your dad right? ever fought/rebelled against your folk? We all kinda did sometime, so please don’t proceed with the “not me” that’s baloney). You’re saying God is a dictator? News Flash, He don’t need you to believe Him, doesn’t make Him less of a God. Like you can choose to follow the law or not. If someone goes to jail, can he point out: “Those are your laws!!! not mine!! (still goes to jail tho)” Check this man: “He’s your God, not mine!!”. It’s funny how people believe those laws written by people and believe them to be “just”. Wait? Who gave the criteria? Who made the basis of right or wrong? Who said killing is bad? that theft is bad? that adultery causes divorce? (I’ll give you a hint: Moses). If you still don’t get this, Then maybe you can discover how nothingness came to be with science, start probably before the event horizon. No one knows what came before that, maybe you’ll discover it. give it a try.
God was there, God gave satan rule if this earth, the devil (satan) is what caused this to happened, God waited for his people, the believers on the other side, it is your choice, free will , pick and choose your actions , your beliefs, the sorrow comes with the fact that man killed his son so we all must carry our own cross before entering into Heaven. God did cry that day . Heaven is not a free ride, it is a reward .God Bless you Joe.
God did not crash into the towers, men did! The Bible says: We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness’. Things are not always what they seem and belief is a powerful thing! People eventually act on their beliefs which is what happened that day on 9/11 and caused the death of 3000 people. God is in Heaven. Through the actions of those men and their beliefs, God received 3000 souls that day. We are on earth! We say, how could this happen and why didn’t God stop it? We all witnessed what happened that day in shock and disbelief. No
one could have stopped it, not even God. Men in their misguided beliefs piloted those planes into the twin towers and the world watched. The love of God was seen in those who risked their lives to save others. That’s where God was. This universe is beyond our comprehension in its expanse and it hasn’t been proven that God doesnt exist! Its easy to see though that there are principalities and powers at work, when you see on the one hand people who live to do good for their fellow human beings and those whose minds are set to do evil. And when you think about the continuing expanse of the universe and how great and vast it is, surely there is evidence there to suggest that God is possible even if you don’t believe. It is just as possible for God to exist as it is that you or I exist in a universe that you can’t see the whole of. That page from the Bible found in the depths of ground zero, the words in red print are always the words of Jesus and it is a good message to the world out from the ashes of that awful day!
Beautifully expressed Heather!
Joe Kurak
God would not hold your hand when you are out to commit a murder… You are free to do that , but ask Him before you commit it, and you will definitely receive his voice. But its for those people of “deranged”…and this molten steel holding out a message again for the same people! You are among those have eyes yet fail to see…( Mark 8:18)
When we have left God out of our lives for so many years……how do you even ask that question. He could have stopped them. yes. But we have ignored his call to our hearts for so long…….this was a wake up call. And now with the elections……we have another one.
God did not make this happen; we live in a fallen world and our God allows us the freedom to choose to honor Him with our life or not. He will not force His love or ways on us. Those who chose to do this are evil & hateful people. They live by another “standard” of the Koran which tells their people to kill all who disagree with them. So, there is a HUGE difference in mind set here. Some things you will not be able to understand without having “spiritual vision” and a knowledge of the history that began in the middle east. The Bible is a historical document that has been proven to be accurate. It is so interesting that your closing statement are the words you chose — which speaks to how the muslim followers live their lives. Which we can see by all the turmoil they cause wherever they go.
Hi Joe kurac. Technically, the translation from ancient languages into English occurred in the 13th century. First century original manuscripts exist and non Biblical historical first century writings exist to corroborate the historical accounts within the Bible’s pages. A work of fiction? Not if you take a ‘true’ look at it.
I do not concern myself with signs.. for in Jeremiah it is said, “Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of Heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.”
I also do not follow the concept of coincidence in my life either, for all things there is a purpose as read in Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose,and in Isaiah 46:10, “Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times the things that are not yet done, Saying, My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all my pleasure.”
To think that God does not exist because He did not stop the planes from going into the towers is an interesting question… I ask you to to ponder what kept the buildings from collapsing in any of a number of directions or how was it that only roughly a third of the staff were in the buildings at the time of impact? Question- A Bible page surviving on a melted piece of steel? Question that… The temperature which it takes steel to melt vs the temperature it takes paper to catch fire is significantly different, yet the paper survived and is attached to melted steel…
It is a choice to live how you choose to live in every circumstance you are given…
Since time as we know it existed, people turned to a God or Gods for guidance, protection; answers to the unknown.
I wish I had the faith it takes to disbelieve in God when the evidence of his existence surrounds us every day. A belief in his nonexistence is true faith!
I’ll pray for you Joe.
Joe Kurac, something brought you to the story so your at least heading towards the right path. You believe in God, I know you do other wise you’d be on a different Web page talking about something silly. You’ll get there
So if God did stop the planes from flying into the buildings and you saw it with your own two eyes and you had no doubt it was God then you would be forced to believe in God, would you not? God doesn’t force anyone to believe in him, he loves us that much that he gives you the freedom to believe or reject him.
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We’re not deranged Joe. Way back when God first created man, He gave us free will. We were free to obey him and live in harmony with him and our fellow men and women, and we were free to turn against him and against humanity. We chose wrongly and have been paying the price ever since. We continue to have free will and we continue to completely muck up the world and ourselves. I pray that your eyes are opened and you can see the truth. God loves you Joe Kurac.
BY THE WAY, folks, the first COMPLETE Bible was promulgated and released by The Catholic Church ca. 400 AD, NOT the 13th Century. All bibles are copied from it, some with very poor translation and editing. It was released as “a readings and response book for Catholic Masses worldwide” to replace the 600 or so other books in use. It is not a book of total doctrine, except in the minds of protestants. If you want to read the Original Bible, look up ‘Vulgate Bible’ on your search engine.
Thank you!
Actually, the first translation of the Bible was the Septuagint, it was the Hebrew Bible translated into koine Greek. Protestants prefer to go back to the original languages of Hebrew and Greek, as of Catholic translators, the vulgate is an early translation for sure and it was a huge undertaking by St. Jerome and us Protestants are thankful for that, but believe the earliest original language manuscripts are best, as do, like I said, Catholic translators. Also, as a Methodist pastor, we have more in common than you may believe, such as our belief in using Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience for discernment. I have a lot of respect for my Catholic brothers and sisters, but I think we need to learn more about each other rather than assume. God bless.
David, much the entire New Testament existed by way of quotes from the so called Early Church Fathers in their writings( from about 100AD-250 AD), Clement, Polycarp etc etc plus miscellaneous fragments which date back to about 150AD. But as for the OT, that is all settled now, since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, hidden from the Romans around 70AD, themselves copies of ancient scripture(which match up quite well with what it says in our modern translations), some of these being dated 200-300 years before Christ. I think at least part every book of the OT was found in a readable condition, including an entire Isaiah scroll. Quite a “coincidence” since it prophesied both the destruction of Israel and the scattering through the nations of the survivors in the 1st 40 or so chapters, and then prophesies the regathering from the nations chpt. 41-66. The “coincidence” is it was found by an Arab shepherd in 1947, 1 year before the actual rebirth of the nation of Israel. 2600 years after they lost their national sovereignty as Isaiah warned them was about to happen. The scattering and regathering and rebirth of the nation all spelled out in a book written about 2800 years ago, and for sure the copy being 22-2300 year old, and discovered 1 year before the rebirth of the nation. BTW, the rebirth being something I don’t think has ever happened with a dead, extinct, destroyed nation in all of world history. Only with the one nation the Bible, OT and NT, said it would happen with. Oh yeah, rather huge “coincidence”!
Comment:Holy words long preserved for our sake in this world…….
13th century? Where did you read that? References? Sources…unlikely. God cannot a person’s free will to do harm. Not so much that He chose to let it happen or willed it to be so, He let humans make their own choices, otherwise freely accepting His Love would be impossible.
The Bible is not fictional, not entirely. What many fail to understand that it contains several genres, written over centuries, and compiled as the Christian bible in the 4th century. I honestly don’t know where you got 13th century. Some of its history, others allegorical and symbolic, the psalms are a book of poetry, and the historicity of Jesus as an actual figure in a place and time has been upheld many most worthy scholars, even ones who are agnostic.
And it’s not the book itself that is determined to be the sign, but the passage. “Turn the other cheek.” How is that not a prophetic answer to a tragedy. It’s very rude to just call the religious ‘deranged’ especially in regards to a meaningful passage that even non-believers should take to heart and not retaliate violently when someone does something wrong to them.
God cannot a person’s free will to do harm?
Well said…….amen.
So where was god on 9/11/2001? Was he in the cockpits of the planes that destroyed the towers, crashed into the Pentagon, and slammed into the field in Pennsylvania? Was he in the towers with the doomed innocents? Was he with the police and fire personnel risking it all to evacuate the buildings before they fell?
If he was anywhere, why didn’t he stop it? Fusing a page from a book written by man to a chunk of steel after he allowed the murders to happens seems a bit, well, ridiculous.
Nero, God Could have stopped it. He could have called 10 thousand angles to intervene. I am more than certain that He wept on that day for the lost souls. He didn’t choose to allow it to happen. We chose, as a nation to remove Him from our government, our schools, our hospitals, our courts, our lives. So many are offended by His existence, and yet question why He wasn’t there on that day. I believe, with everything in me, that God was in fact there that day. There were too many miracles not to see Him there.
I agree, totally.. When we take God out of our lives and our nation, things will change, He will get our attention one way or the other. He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and he rules this world and one day we will stand before him and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord..
any proof, data?
We dont question why it wasn’t present on that day (not he, your god doesn’t have genitals does it?) We merely point out the absurdity of your position in context to the slaughter it apparently allows , if umm it existed .. which obviously it doesn’t anymore than the other millions of gods mankind claims.
Well THIS God(of the Bible) clearly states in His Word that He will not be mocked, and He will judge nations which do so. Just as He told His beloved Israel- even them – that if they acted like they hated Him, worshiping other so called gods and sacrificing their children, He would kick them out of their promised land and scatter them to all of the gentile nations where they would be hated and in fear of their lives. And He did exactly that. Fortunately for them He also said He would not allow them to be destroyed completely in the lands of their enemies, and when their punishment was complete, He would gather them up from the far away nations(especially, He says, the far north as in Germany/Poland/Russia post WW2), bring them back, and give them the land of Israel again. Which He also did in 1948. I don’t think any other of those God’s have foretold any of those historical events? In the meantime, as you continue in ever increasing sin, and/or the acceptance and praise of the same, if the God of the Bible actually existed(and He does), why would you expect His continued blessings? If you have any sense, you will only expect certain judgement. And no doubt it will be along soon. So do not be surprised or shocked when it happens.
“innocents’? innocent, guilty, good, evil, these are not atheist concepts. If there is no god then nothing is good, nothing is evil, there is no morality, there are no “innocents”. God has created this world and all in it to teach, how would anyone know evil if they didn’t experience it. If you only tasted sweet, how would you ever know salt? If you haven’t known hate, how can you ever appreciate love?
Not Yawyeh. Muhammed. Buddha, Christ, Confucius, Ganesh or an other MAN NAMES. THERE IS JUST PATRIARCHY pretending to be benevolent FATHER GOD.
bLACK NEEDS WHITE, and fish need salt and chips need beer and babies need care and contentment and frail folks need their relatives and friends. We all need our brothers and sisters and cousins and nieces. WHAT WE DO NOT NEED IS A SUPERNATURAL FICTIONAL SCARY HOMELESS SEMITE FROM 2000 YEARS AGO FAMOUS FOR TELLING STORIES IN PALESTINE AND JORDAN. THEN KILLED AS A TERRORIST. RIDICULOUS FAILURE AS A PHILOSOPHER AND TERRORIST. THERE IS NO GOD.
ALL RELIGIONS ARE JUST PRIX D’ESCALIER thoughts BY INVENTIVE PLAGIARISTS WHO THOUGHT THERE WAS A GOOD PYRAMID SELLING PROFIT TO BE MADE OUT OF SENTIMENTAL STORIES of The New Testament. Candy floss promises. Prayers are meaningless. Candles give light and have no reason.
God gave mankind free will. From the first sin till now there have been countless hateful acts inflicted by people on other people. There have also been countless acts of love and mercy. God tells us to be His hands, His feet… he gives us the freedom to choose. He asks us to choose life. Each of us is supposed to be Christ to one another. He allows us to participate in His love for mankind. Satan wants us to choose death and destruction. The choice is ours. We all say we want the right to choose but when individuals choose wrongly others are quick to blame God. So do you want the right to choose or not. You can’t have it both ways. May you come to know and love the God of the universe.
It seems HE had a day off, or an off day Nero, poor guy so much to look after.
Again, you God haters seem to have the bizarre idea that that God of the Bible owes the USA protection, rather than His actual wrath and judgement. God declared an everlasting covenant and love with Israel, not the USA. Do you honestly think that after He kept His many promises from most books of the Old Testament to- if they insisted on living in unrepentant sin- destroy His beloved nation Israel, destroy their temple and city of Jerusalem, and scatter the survivors into all nations where they would be hated and always in fear for their lives, that He would not punish the USA for sinking ever further into sin? Where do you guys get these ideas? Certainly nOT from the Bible. I realize you don’t believe and have probably never read the Bible, yet you have these opinions about how the God of the Bible should behave towards us? Based on what? You wishes and opinions?
Read a bible and you’ll get all your answers.
Nero, why would he stop it? In fact, just how do you know (if you even believe He exists, unlikely I admit) He did not send- or at least allow- this tragedy to come to America, a nation which has been rejecting Him, and His Word, and His commands for at least 50+ years now? A nation that every day not only tolerates, but praises and promotes, what God calls evil, or sin. Why do you think the God of the Bible- if He actually exists- would not send judgement to the USA, much less not continue to bless her as He has done in the past? Does He not SAY He will not be mocked, and promise judgement on sinful nations? Did He not wipe out all of mankind but 8 in Noah’s flood? Did He not pour down fire and brimstone on Sodom? Did He not destroy His own beloved nation, Israel, and scatter the survivors to all nations, including Nazi Germany, just as He promised them He would if they lived like the child sacrificing pagans who were in the land before them?
If you would read the Bible, you would see that sending plagues(AIDES at the height of gay pride parades) and famine and destruction to people who hate Him is not at all unheard of, and it is only by His grace that He has not done away with all of us long ago. But you seem to think that if the God of the Bible exists, He owes us protection, and that He should have prevented 9/11? I am afraid it is rather the opposite, we can expect more wrath, barring some sort of unlikely national repentance.
It’s no good being angry at God he didn’t fly the plane or organise the killings….evil people full of demons done that. There’s good and evil, God give us all free will, some people use that to kill others and be Godless. Other choose to follow good.
God is reminding us of forgiveness, mercy and compassion. Aotly so, for we are celebrating the jubilee of mercy this year 2016.
any proof, data?
Not sure what proof you are looking for. In case, you actually are open to hearing a logical argument, I suggest checking out and click on the Science, Faith and reason icon. Then click on the free info button. This physicist says that this is the best time in history to “prove” the existence of God because of the advances in science. Since believing or not believing in the existence of God is no small matter, I would think that any sane person would want to study the subject thoroughly. The consequences of an incorrect conclusion are incomparable with any other “mistake”.
Yes, emmett, there be plenty of proof, data in your body, in your mind, in your heart, in your spirit. But you have not sought it, so you do not find it/. . . so far, anyway.
If you have any relationship of love in your life, what is it you have? Can you prove to me that you love and are loved? If I expressed adamant disbelief in your assertion, what would you offer as proof, data of the existence of this thing you call love. How about gravity? How about light?
Your life is chock full of things which you don’t essentially understand.
Now, prove to me that you exist
God tells us to pursue justice. I wonder if “turning the other cheek” applies to our turning other people’s cheeks or our own. I don’t believe we are to “turn our cheek” when a child is harmed, nor do I believe we are to “turn our cheek” when terrorists attack. It is our government’s job to help protects us from enemy attacks just as it is the policeman’s job to protect us from the neighborhood thug. Let’s not be silly about such things.
To thine own self be true. It’s up to every individual to make their own interpretation of the Word or determination of it’s truth. And that’s all. A personal decision. No one’s wrong; no one’s going to Hell, the only “death” is in the Cosmos – with it’s floods and it’s hurricanes – the Spirit, the Heavens are eternal. When we “die” we either go back to the Spirit (eternity) or back to the Earth for another game of Earth. And that’s MY interpretation.
Then where is the meaning in life if its all eternal recurrence and no definite salvation from a definite Supreme Being who alone exists of himself and is infinite in all perfection. There must be some purpose to our existence and that of the world. There must be some purpose – a higher purpose – that transcends the physical existence. If not, if all that there is is limited to here and now, then there is no value, no truth, no goodness, no beauty. We can all as well be extant and cease to be or exist.
Everyone’s comments r here to enlighten us for those who don’t believe look around you our country is slowly being destroyed from within like the Roman empire and many others so wake up America !!!!!! Satan is upon our nation because we have turned away from God so He as a gentleman that He truly is and respectful of our freedom to choose has stepped aside, God has two wills: He allows things to happen or ordains them to happen, this was allowed. A word to the wise:conversion is the only solution, we must turn from our evil ways. I recommend u read “the harbinger” u will find a lot of answers to your questions. May God Bless & forgive us.
Those were the Words of our Lord Jesus in one of the occassions that He taught about Love. That kind of love that can melt the hate in the human heart. Love that can surpass evil, that evil does not have to be fought with evil. Jesus corrected the wrong in vengeance. It’s human nature to seek redress, a tooth for a tooth or an eye for an eye, but Jesus is telling us on the passage of the Bible that miraculously survived the disaster, that we should not kill to avenge, like vengeance is His not ours humans. When it was found, the message should have been given importance and would have guided decision makers not to invade destroy saddam and qaddafy. The power vaccuum in the area gave rise to ISIS which caused untold sufferings and the on-going wars and political reallignment in Europe, The USA and everywhere else. Humans could not have predicted the unfolding of events now, but God know of this consequences and hence the message on that piece of debris. Its very clear now.
Why would God want to watch a DVD of a movie that He knows how it will end? He’s omnipotent, so the ongoing trials and tribulations of human beings on Earth are things that He has created, they are things that He manipulates and observes and of course, He knows the final outcome. Wouldn’t a supreme being who created the universe be bored with the tedious task of giving thousands of babies Spina Bifida year after year? You’d think it would be so. Was 9/11 an opportunity for Him to have a little fun, break the boredom, or let the other team win one for a change? Looking for mercy and love from someone who projects love on occasion but also consistently displays anger toward you, is a sign of an abusive relationship.
I’m not sure it’s ironic or not that your name is Paul, but nevertheless, your sentiment is repulsive. However, as a believer, it makes no difference to me.
Beautifully said. And to Paul, look for good, don’t intentionally prevent yourself from finding it because you are afraid of seeing the Truth. the phrase “God is Love” is not a figurative statement, it means that he is literally Love itself, in it’s most flawless and powerful state, and you know what? don’t question the king who made you, but rather yourself for constantly breaking what is easily the most basic set of standards for living in community that has ever existed (the Ten Commandments?) and subsequently blaming God (who offered you those guidelines for YOUR benefit) when your life falls to crap as a direct result of your actions. EVERYTHING God has EVER done was to help us, it is NEVER HIS FAULT when WE REJECT HIS AID.
I think your mistaken God for the Devil. There’s two of them working hard on this earth. The devil know if he kills people and let the world see then people loss faith. The take the devil’s anger, the hold resentment, they hate and in turn go back look to kill. Eye for an eye! The Devil is sneaky. He knows you’ll blame God for not standing in front of the plane etc…but maybe if we’d all prayed sooner peace on earth would have been here and wouldn’t have happened . It’s not God’s fault if the Godless people’s fault and the devil lives in them and works threw them. Causing all this hate, killing and hurt.
Joe. If you want to know if Jesus is real talk to Him and ask him to reveal himself to you. To have a friend like Jesus is worth trying.
Now I see why America is facing these whole problems. So many atheists. Most of u guys think ur a product of biological evolution. The moment you bring God back to ur schools, ur institutions et al, until den u will see positive changes. It’s sadden that a great nation like urs, built on God, started on goodwill nd love of God, has rejected his true essence. America!!! You have forgotten ur “In God we trust” ? ???????????
The Bible says, “Cut out of me, u re nothing.” thing USA. Think great. Forget Abt science and technology, there is a supreme being Dat gave u this intelligence nd twas never by nd of u. Think great, God is ur missing factor.
Nice one Michael
The words “turn the other cheek” are often misunderstood. From my understanding, in Roman days, if a person struck a person of lower social status he backhanded him. If he was of equal status he struck him the other way. By turning the other cheek the attacker is confronted with having to hit you straight on. If he chooses to hit you in this manner the attacker is acknowledging your equal footing. Therefore, by turning your cheek you are placing your attacker in a predicament. He has to either stop hitting you or he has to acknowledge your equality. Interesting angle….
There are no accidents on this earth. The passage could not be more fitting.
The Biblical passage could not be more fitting.
Heaven and Earth will pass-away, but the word of GOD will never pass-away.
[…] “This shredded, burned and rubble-covered Bible came to me from the loving hands of a fireman who knew that I was the record keeper of ground zero,” Mr. Meyerowitz said in an e-mail from Italy, where he now lives. “My astonishment at seeing the page that the Bible was open to made me realize that the Bible’s message survives throughout time,” he said, “and in every era we interpret its teachings freshly, as the occasion demands.” [H/] […]
The proof is The Bible. You just need to open your heart and read. The Bible is written by man and God, not by man alone.
The bible is a puzzle and the many pieces fit together, with this one God tells us “vengeance is mine”…retaliation for self -protection, as we are instructed to care for temple (our bodies) but He will take care of the revenge, we do not need to bother, AS THE cHILDREN OF iSRAEL WERE INSTRUCTED ..PROCEED PEACEFULLY UNLESS SUPPRESSED in following God/Moses direction.
I don’t mean to contradict, but it is actually more about acting the way Christ would, and because God is literally Love itself, we are called to treat one another in that manner. retaliation is never ok, but once an attack has been carried out on a nation, especially by a terrorist organization whose sole purpose is to destroy western culture, it is no longer retaliation, but defense of everything that this Nation holds dear. The Lord fights alongside those who act out of love for others, so as long as the purpose of fighting is to protect others, it is moral, if death occurs in the process (death of the opposing individual/entity), then the principle of the double effect applies. Thus, war and similar military engagements are only truly moral if they are fought with the sole intent of protection, without even a hint of retaliation, not because that is God’s job, but because His plan is to give those we fight a =nother chance, just as he did every last one of us an innumerable quantity of times in our lives, and for unfathomable actions on our part. it is just as bad to speak falsely of God’s love as it is to ridicule his name.
[…] За матеріалами: uСatholic […]
God does not cause someone to burn forever, He is a JUST GOD, and it is ” the wages of sin ” that causes it to happen. Jesus has set us free from of this punishment. We simply need to Believe in who He Was and Is, and in our need of Him. God is not a Child Abuser, and His Son Suffered For A reason.and that Reason Is SIN, and JESUS SETS US F R E E, AMEN, SO BE IT.
Jim too
If you want to know who God is, look at Jesus. If you want to know what it means to be human, look at Jesus. If you want to know what LOVE is, look at Jesus. If you want to know what grief is, look at Jesus. And go on looking until you’re not just a spectator, but you’re actually part of the drama which has HIM as the central character.
Joe, as difficult as it is to understand, perhaps these individuals are in a much better place and extremely happy. The survivors are the ones who grieve. Yes, it was awful, as so much in life can be. It is beyond our full comprehension but God is with us and there is good and evil in our world. I wish you comfort and love, today and always.
I love this!
I love this! Brandy
[…] 11 верасня пад заваламі паўднёвай вежы, паведамляе Пажарны, які знайшоў кнігу, паклікаў фатографа, і гэты […]
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Wishful thinking. How could paper be melted to molten steel? This is another fake relic like all those phony Medieval ones the Church charged people to see and kiss and got rich off of. I was brought up Catholic. You fools will believe anything you are told. It used to be that relics were “real” and had magic powers, indulgences would get you time off from purgatory, and now that idiot pope is trying to get you to believe in man made climate change. He definitely believes in turning the other cheek when it comes to Islam. He kisses their ass cheeks and washes their feet while Islamic Jihadists exterminate the ancient Christian communities in the Middle East.
I assume you would say the same thing about the shroud of Turin, then? in the past sixty years, hundreds of professionals, which judging by your diction, you are not, have failed to explain how it even exists. And the same applies here. you claim it is impossible, but multiple professionals will tell you that softened hot steel will “melt” per say, to just about anything given the pressure that particular piece must have been under, having nearly the entire building land upon it. don’t ever assume you know everything without first checking everything, which, because you are not God, you cannot do. The Pope is by far the most humble, inspired, and truly intelligent man I have ever even so much as heard of in today’s world with regards to his Faith, to MY faith. to insult him is to insult the church, which is yet another insult against God, seeing as he has guided us this far. in the middle ages, you say that relics were real, let me be the first to tell you they are, I have a third class relic, and it is definitely real. also, about the magical powers – no, just no. we believe that the relics aid in receiving intercession from the Saint they belong to, and you know what, I will also go ahead and let you know that no matter how ignorant you want to be about this, that is fine, but look at your nearest Catholic website, because you will certainly find the stories of people today who experienced miracles associated with relics. also, if you actually looked at the data from an unbiased source, you would see that the pope, along with about half of the world, is right about climate change, the average temperature in the world has not been this high since before God created Man. Answer that for me, will ya? Don’t question what you don’t understand, especially not in a manner that simply further reveals your ignorance on the subject.
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Please add my name to this list of fine Americans that honor the people who went to save their fellowman..
All generalities are false including this one.
To those who believe no explanation needed but to those who don’t no explanation possible!!!