Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Lord I am deeply regretful for the things that have offended you. Please forgive me for all the wrong that I have done against you and my siblings in Christ.
    I ask you humbly, if it be your will, in the charity of our prayers, please remember my intentions, particularly for the abundance of financial graces and blessings me and my family urgently need at this time.

    All ye ONLY divine, holy, sacred seraphims, cherubims, thrones, dominions, powers, virtues, principalities, archangels, guardian angels:
    angelic choir of hosts; pray for me.

    My patron saints:
    St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Michael The Archangel, St. Terese of Lisieux, St. Pio of Pietrilcina, St. Gemma Galgani, blessed (soon to be St.) Carlo Acutis, St. Matthew, St. Cono, St. Panthaleon, St. Cajetan, St. Jude Thaddeus, St. Expedite, St. Bartholomew, St. Timothy, St. Lucy, St. John of God, St. Dymphna, St. Peter, St. Peter Exorcist, St. Francis Brogia, St. Benedict of Nursia, St. Bruno of Cologne, St. Mary Magdalene, blessed Bartolo Longo, blessed William of Toulouse, St. Charbel Maklhouf, St. Peregrine, St. Agatha, St. Rita of Cascia, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Anthony Abbott, St. Jerome, St. Benedict Labre, St. Clare of Asisi, St. Francis of Asisi, St. Francis of Padua, St. Martin de Porres, St. Apollonia, St. Augustine, St. Monica, St. Mary of Egypt, St. Bernard The Long Suffering, St. Agnes, St. Joan of Arc, St. Philomena, St. Maria Goretti, St. Solange, St. Mary McKillop, blessed Laura Vicuña, St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Roch, St. Lorenzo Ruiz, St. Pedro Calungsod, blessed Niña Abad, servant of God (soon to be blessed) Lacreana “Ka Luring” Franco, blessed Justo Takayama, and all ye other holy men and women saints of God; pray for me.

    All ye holy souls in purgatory, pray for me.

    The Holy Family of Nazareth; St. Joseph; son of Jacob, The Carpenter, The Terror of Demons, beloved spouse of the ever virgin Mother Mary, and foster father of the lord Jesus Christ, the blessed lady ever virgin Mother Mary; Our Lady of The Most Holy Trinity, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Medjugorje, Our Lady of The Cape, Our Lady of Knock, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of Manaog, Nuestra Señora de Salvacion in St. Florentina Parish in Rapu-rapu Albay, Nuestra Señora de Dolorosa de Paloway Calolbon in San Andres Catanduanes Albay, Nuestra Señora de Salvacion de Joroan in Tiwi Albay, Nuestra Señora de Salvacion de Peñafrancia in Naga Camarines Sur, Our Lady of Sorrows, Help of Christians, Mother of Divine Grace, Mother of Perpetual Help, Virgin Most Merciful, Virgin Most Faithful, Cause of our joy, please intercede for my humble needs.
    Thank you lord Jesus for always showering us with your love, guidance, blessing, and protection both physically; keep evil people with the like intent that does not have you as their priority or not in alignment to your divine will that we should not even cross paths with. And spiritually; against unseen enemies not of flesh and blood scouring the world seeking the ruin of our souls.
    We ask this through the same Christ, Jesus of Nazareth our lord, precious redeemer, beloved shepherd, and older brother.

    To our God in The Most Holy Trinity be all the due eternal honor, glory, and gratitude be, AMEN.

  2. Thank You Lord for the blessings received and for prayers answered. Lord please forgive me of my sins. Lord please guide, protect, keep safe, healthy and happy; me, my family and dear friends in all our travels and endeavors today. I pray for the souls in purgatory, especially for the souls of my Mom and Dad. Thank You Lord for the guidance received at the time of my heart attack-please heal my heart and body giving me strength. Please guide my daughter in all her endeavors with a happy attitude and pain free-guide her doctor to find the cause and cure of her pain to keep her healthy. Comfort all my family and friends who are fighting and enduring heart disease , cancer, arthritis, dementia, illness, injury and surgery. Please eradicate all forms of the covid-19 disease from the world. Lord please keep Pope Francis healthy as he leads Your church. Please guide world leaders toward peace especially in Ukraine, Russia, Africa and the Middle East. Please Lord hold the people affected by storms, earthquakes and fires close to Your heart. Please continue to guide the people who are finding good healthcare for the communities affected by the closing of hospitals and clinics in the area. Blessed Mother Mary please pray for us. Lord hear my prayers. Amen

  3. Heavenly Father, King of king and Lord and lords. The Creator of things, visible and invisible. Almighty God, the Sovereign Lord. Yahweh, the Living God, Your Reign is forever. Good Lord, in total submission to Your Divine Will i bow and worship You.
    Heavenly Father may Your Holy name be exulted now and forever.
    Merciful Lord, I have sinned against You, only against You and done what You consider evil. Merciful Father, i am sorry for i have sinned against You. Good Lord, please forgive, pardon and wash me clean with the Blood of Your Son, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
    Please Good Lord, let me not take Your clemency for granted.
    I thank You, Good Lord for the gift of life and of sound health of mind and body. I am grateful for Your benevolence, protection and guidance. Thank You Good Lord for all Your do for me. Mighty Jesus be glorified now and forever.
    I humble for myself before You Heavenly Father, please let there be peace in the world. Prince of Peace please grant us Your peace.
    Begging for Your Church, the Holy Catholic Church and her leaders.
    Mighty Jesus, please fight for Your Church, please remember Your word in Matthew 16:18.

    Begging for the intentions and requests of members of this Catholic online community, not of iniquity.
    Heavenly Father, please grant decernment, wisdom and zeal to Your servants to carry out their ecclesiastical duties.
    For all world leaders and their citizens. Almighty Father please let St. Michael the Archangel, Archangels and the host of angels protect and guide all.
    Begging for the holy souls in purgatory, the sick, the persecuted and the rejected.
    Good Lord, please welcome Your creatures into Your kingdom. Merciful Lord, please heal the sick, provide for the rejected and grant fortitude and perseverance to the persecuted.
    I beg You, Mighty Jesus, please let the seven spirits that stand before Your Throne protect and guide the armed forces of the world.
    Begging that all consecrated to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ spiritually be consecrated to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ physically.
    Heavenly Father, please in Your mercy remember the plumbers, electricians and all former secular artists.
    Good Lord, please grant spiritual conversion to Your creatures and bless the work of their hands.
    Begging for those in agony, penury and despair. Good Lord, please grant succour and hope to Your creatures.
    Begging for all in positions of power and authority. Good Lord, please grant wisdom and understanding to Your creatures.
    Finally i beg for families, universities and business centres.
    Mighty Jesus, please let there be oneness, peace and filial love in families. In the universities, let the students be nurtured in the faith, in order for the universities to produce learned individuals with good morals.
    Benevolent God, please let the business men and women not labour in vain. Amen
    Holy Mary pray for us.
    Holy angels and saints of God intercede for us. Amen.

  4. Please pray for the Catholic Church and the state of Israel. Please pray for me that I may obtain funds to pay for my doctor bills and prescriptions.

  5. Angel Number 111 Angel Number 222 Angel Number 333 Angel Number 444 Angel Number 555 Angel Number 666 Angel Number 777 Angel Number 888 Angel Number 999 in one Lord show your mercy and grace upon us all blessings from above heavenly ascend all souls to heaven forgive us our sins save us from the fires of hell oh loving God

  6. In the charity of your prayers, please remember my intentions, especialy for financial graces and blessings I urgently need at this time. Our Lady of Sorrows & Help of Christians, and Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, please intercede for my humble needs. Amen!


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