Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!
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I pray for Gods mercy,
healing upon my body and soul
Dear God, please heal my uncle Willie David from COVID-19. It is a devastating news we heard today. Give him strength. We believe in Your Mighty power. Amen
lord jesus sana po mtpos n problema ko s mga gamot risdin n green rivotril ziproc akidin vit pls sana wg n po un gmulo s isip ko pls sna wla n bmulong kalain bakekang panget pls pg umiinom ako gmot at vit pls sna wg n tmambay s lbas cla gami aldrin chris kalbo pls sna tmhmk n pristina pls sna wg n kmi mgkailangan ni payat pls sna wg n rn sna sya mglakwatsa pls sna umuwi n sya maaga plgi pls sna wg nko mlgsan ng ngipin kht kelan pls sna wg nko mhilo mtrnta matense kht kelan pls sna wg nko guluhin ng taong nkkslmuha ko pls sna mgnda araw ko plgi pls sna mklpat n uli kmi condo pls sna ksma c payat sna wla n may covid 19 dun sna pmyg c emil sna safe n tumira dun sna mgswa nmn kkalakwatsa c payat co teacher nya manas sna wg n pgwa kalbo knla sna wg n rn sna sya mgitara lbas nla sna wg n rn sna sya mgybng kotse nya pls sna wg n rn sna sya tmambay lbas nla sna mkdiout ako pg umiinom ako gmot o vit pls lalo n pg aalis ako sna mkmove on nko pumogi mgkgf mgkwork sna karmahin lht ngkksla skn sna tmhmk n pristina sna pls sna hmba p buhay ni mama at emil sna pgpalain nyo nmn ako sna mpuksa n civid 19 pina sana mtpos n rn lockdown sna mtpos n lht ng quarantine sna bmlk n s normal lht sna mtpos n problema ko rivotril sna after 10 yrs p mgkbf c payat sna mkbli ko kotse pgdtng ni emil sana mtuto nko mgdrive sna mkblk n kmi condo sna ksma c payat at mama sna mgng normal n lht s pinas lalo n s cavite sna wla n ma infect ng virus sna dinggin nyo nmn dsal ko sna karmahin nmn c payat manas emil mama bulldog sna kyo n bhla s lht ng ngkksla skn sna bmlk s knla gnwa nla skn sna pmyg nmn c emil bmlk n kmi condo snaw wg nko pumanget sna pumogi nmn ako sna mrmdmn ko nmn presensya nyo sna november p uwi ni emil sna mtpos n covid 19 pinas sna ptwd po s lht ng kslanan ko sana kyo n bhla skn sna wla n mglit skn sna wg nko mglit pg aalis cla pyat sna plbsin n mga senior pls sna wla lkad c payat bukas sna mkblk n kmi condo pls sna ksma c payat at mama sna pmyg nmn c emil sna swertehin nmn ako sna mtpos n kligayan nla manas at payat pls sna bmlk n s normal lht lord jesus sna wg nmn ako karmahin o mlasin sana lht ng byaya matamo ko sna mgwa n cr s condo ko pls sna mwla n covid 19 s pinas pls tnx amen
Lord my God, thank you for this day. Thank you for always blessing us with good health and protection from the virus. Amen
Heart of Jesus, loaded down with opprobrium, have mercy on us.
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Saint Catherine Laboré, pray for us. Miraculous Medal, humbly protect the wearers and intervene for all faithful souls, living and dead.
In thanksgiving dear Lady of the Rosary, for blessings received through your prayer intercession after a novena to your holy heart. Miraculous results!
For an increase in our respect for the practise of the virtues of modesty, chastity, celibacy, obedience, poverty. Renew our faith in the clergy and religious communities with their pious lifelong sacrifices for the good of the Kingdom. So many have done nothing wrong but must pay the price for those who wrestle daily with the demonic. Cleanse the Vatican of profaned sanctity, the dioceses worldwide, our parishes. Fortify efforts of the laity to combat armies of fallen angels. St. Michael the Archangel, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
For my sister on her birthday, that her celebration be joyful.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Amen.