Based on mans’ “built-in” sense of moral obligation and sense of justice we can reason to the immortality of the soul.
Ave Maria!
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Based on mans’ “built-in” sense of moral obligation and sense of justice we can reason to the immortality of the soul.
Ave Maria!
Wouldn’t it be better to do good because of the good, instead of doing good because we want to avoid a punishment?
If God is love and good, than that itself should be a reason of doing and being the same, as we are created in His image. Love should be our motivation, not fear.
If we only do what we perceive as what is good, because we fear a judgment or a punishment, we take a negative choice instead of a positive one.
Isn’t that the freedom for which Jesus came to liberate us? That we wouldn’t live like slaves under the law, but like freemen established under grace. (St. Augustin, Regula VIII,1)
fr. Vincent, o.praem.
If we choose in this life to turn our back on God, where will our soul be in the afterlife? Will it be at the feet of God? Or will it be where our heart has always been, in the world with all its petty cares and rewards. We choose our path, God simply gives us what we want.
As pointed out in the excellent video, we know what is good. When we turn away from that, we do it because it is our choice. God is good. If you don’t like the good, you won’t like sitting at the feet of God. Lucifer made this choice, and we all are given the same opportunity.
Turning away from God is a self-chosen punishment. Love vs. Punishment is a false dichotomy.
You are correct in in saying that one must obey in love, but the reality that there is a punishment for not obeying doesn’t somehow negate the meaning of obedience and love to God. They are complementary ideas, two ways both directed towards good, one is to avoid evil, the other to seek good. Like Paul stated, there is no issue here.
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, BUT MOST OF ALL because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. 🙂
Out of love or out of fear, we need to do good because we are commanded to do it, because both exist in the scriptures. Whether doing good by Love as foremost, is a commandment, and doing it with the attachment of fear is we cannot avoid because we have the knowledge of them in the scriptures. Thus the two walks together like the second one is a shadow of love. May I ask, why did god infuse “fear” for doing good? or why it is necessary? Just maybe it is because fear is in the nature of man, we have to be inflicted of fear in order to function, without it, there is no force to will it. As Catholic, this is I think the paradigm that we operate our faith, with “fear and trembling”, and it is I think is good and beautiful because love and “fear of God” is what we are told.
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