Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catechism of The Catholic Church #2039

2039 Ministries should be exercised in a spirit of fraternal service and dedication to the Church, in the name of the Lord. At the...
Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catechism of The Catholic Church #1865

1865 Sin creates a proclivity to sin; it engenders vice by repetition of the same acts. This results in perverse inclinations which cloud conscience...
Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catechism of The Catholic Church #2012

2012 "We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him . . . For those whom he fore knew...

Catechism of the Catholic Church #1583

1583 It is true that someone validly ordained can, for a just reason, be discharged from the obligations and functions linked to ordination, or can be forbidden to exercise them; but he cannot become a layman again in the strict sense, because the character imprinted by ordination is for ever. the vocation and mission received on the day of his ordination mark him permanently.
Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catechism of The Catholic Church #2106

2106 "Nobody may be forced to act against his convictions, nor is anyone to be restrained from acting in accordance with his conscience in...

Catechism of The Catholic Church #717

717 "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John." John was "filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb" by Christ himself, whom the Virgin Mary had just conceived by the Holy Spirit. Mary's visitation to Elizabeth thus became a visit from God to his people.

Catechism of The Catholic Church #1770

1770 Moral perfection consists in man's being moved to the good not by his will alone, but also by his sensitive appetite, as in the words of the psalm: "My heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God."
Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catechism of The Catholic Church #2708

2708 Meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. This mobilization of faculties is necessary in order to deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the...
Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catechism of The Catholic Church #151

151 For a Christian, believing in God cannot be separated from believing in the One he sent, his "beloved Son", in whom the Father...

Catechism Of The Catholic Church #2632

2632 Christian petition is centered on the desire and search for the Kingdom to come, in keeping with the teaching of Christ. There is a hierarchy in these petitions: we pray first for the Kingdom, then for what is necessary to welcome it and cooperate with its coming. This collaboration with the mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit, which is now that of the Church, is the object of the prayer of the apostolic community. It is the prayer of Paul, the apostle par excellence, which reveals to us how the divine solicitude for all the churches ought to inspire Christian prayer. By prayer every baptized person works for the coming of the Kingdom.