Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Please pray for my daughter and family. We lost a Grandson to heroin and mentally my daughter is not doing well at all!

  2. I pray daily for all souls in the world, purgatory and in my lifespan, also the rosary for conversation of souls to Christianity.
    GOD has blessed me to return to HIM, who created me. Amen.

  3. Pray for Dev to be cured from kidney disease and to be restored to good health. Pray for the gift of faith for Dev and basu. Pray for getting extension in service.

  4. I humbly ask for prayer that I get a job soon, that I may provide for the needs of my children. Thank you and may God bless you all?

  5. I humbly ask for prayer that I get a job soon, that I may provide for the needs of my children. Thank you and may God bless you all..

  6. Please pray with me for the soul of my dad Benito Manahan whose birthday Weill be April 3,
    He passed November 14,2010. May his Rest In Peace.

  7. Please pray for my family and myself dealing and going through a difficult time right now thank u and bless u all the Floyd family

  8. Thank you dear Lord for favours received. Bless my family and friends. Help me to live a life pleasing to you in Jesus name. Amen


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