Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!
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Heavenly Father, guide me doing the actions for the love of you. Constantly lead onto the right path. Shower your blessings to the in dire needy. Pray for the souls in the purgatory. Protect our nation from the COVID-19 pandemic. Help the state executives and brethren to arrive at the right timely decisions for common good intentions. Hear the prayer requests of this online community. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
St. John Baptist De La Salle, pray for us!
Mary Help of Christians, pray for us!
St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us!
I pray for my driving tests today. I hope that I’d be able to ace them all, and come home with my license.
Heart of Jesus, fount of life and holiness, have mercy on us.
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Saints Augustine, Benedict, Dominic, Francis, pray for us.
Dissolve our debt. Protect wildlife. Save the earth from all forms of pollution. Bring justice with patience, courage with prudence, moderation, modesty, miracles. Jesus Mary and Joseph, teach me humility. If we must move, let it be guided by Your most holy will, Lord God Almighty. Keep our wheels turning. Amen.
Lord jesus sana po mtpos n problema ko s mga gmot risdin n green rivotril ziproc akidin vit pls sana wg n po un gmulo s isip ko pls sna wla n bmulong kalain bakekang panget pls pg umiinom ako gmot at vit pls sna wg n tmambay s lbas cla gami aldrin chris kalbo pls sna wg n kmi mgkailangan ni payat pls sna wg n rn sya mglakwatsa pls sna umuwi n sya maaga plgi pls sna wg nko mlgsan ng ngipin kht kelan pls sna wg nko mhilo mtrnta matense kht kelan pls sna wg nko guluhin ng taong nkkslmuha ko pls sna mgnda araw ko plgi pls sna mkblk n kmi condo asap sna ksma c payat pls sna wla n may covid 19 dun pls sna mgswa nmn kklakwatsa c payat co teacher nya manas sna wg n pgwa kalbo knla sna wg rn sya mgitara lbas nla pls sna wg n rn sya mgybng kotse nya pls sna wg n rn sya tmambay lbas nla pls sna mkdiout ako pg umiinom ako gmot o vit pls sna mkmove on nko pumogi mgkgf mgkwork sna karmahin lht ngkksla skn sna tmhmk n pristina sna hmba p buhay ni mama at emil sna gmlng n c mama at emil sna pgplain nyo nmn ako sna mkblk n kmi condo asap sna ksma c payat at mama sna pmyg c emil sna mtpos n problema ko rivotril sna after 10 yrs p mgkbf c payat pls sna mpuksa n covid 19 s pinas pls sna mtpos n lockdown sna mtpos n lht ng uri ng quarantine pls sna bmlk n s normal lht sna. Pwd n lmbs mga senior pls sna pgplain nyo nmn ako sna ibili ko kotse ni emil pguwi pls sna tuparin nya pls sna mrmdmn ko presensya nyo pls sna mgnda araw ko bukas sna sglit lng alis ni payat bukas sna wg n mglit skn c emil pls sna ptwd po s lht ng kslanan ko sna pumogi nko sna mwla n lht badspirit nggulo skn sna kyo n bhla skn s araw sna wg ako mhrpn smky bukas sna maayos n condo tnx amen
LORD GOD thank you for everything all the blessings received. Please help and protect me my daughter’s family ,sis vicky ap’s and sddy’s family. Give us always of great health and safe.divine wisdom and prosperity. Heal all the sick help the poor the needy all souls in purgatory conversion of poor sinners forgive us all. Amen🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻