In the quiet village of Saint-Étienne-le-Laus, nestled in the French Alps, a series of Marian apparitions took place between 1664 and 1718 witnessed by a young shepherdess, Benoüte Rencurel.

These appearances, recognized by the Church in 2008, have since drawn pilgrims to the remote shrine, where the Virgin Mary delivered a simple yet profound message.

Our Lady first appeared to Benoüte as she tended her sheep, accompanied by the Child Jesus. For months, the Blessed Mother visited the humble shepherdess daily, eventually revealing her identity as “Mary.”

During these encounters, Mary instructed BenoĂźte to encourage sinners to do penance and emphasized the importance of Eucharistic Adoration. She also requested that priests administer the sacraments with compassion, guiding souls toward reconciliation.

In one apparition, she asked that a chapel of Eucharistic Adoration be established and that priests be dedicated to the care of sinners. Our Lady of Laus promised that the oil from the sanctuary lamp would bring miraculous healings to those anointed with it, provided they had faith in her intercession.

The message of Our Lady of Laus was clear and direct: repentance and conversion are essential to have spiritual life.

Today, the Shrine of Our Lady of Laus continues to inspire the faithful, reminding us of Our Lady of Laus’ call to holiness and the mercy available through penance.

Our Lady of Laus, pray for us! 🙏

Photo credit: Octave 444, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
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