Saint Paulinus of Nola was of a family which boasted of a long line of senators, prefects, and consuls. He was educated with great care, and his genius and eloquence, in prose and verse, were the admiration of St. Jerome and St. Augustine. He had more than doubled his wealth by marriage, and was one of the foremost men of his time. Though he was the chosen friend of Saints, and had a great devotion to St. Felix of Nola, he was still only a catechumen, trying to serve two masters. But God drew him to Himself along the way of sorrows and trials. He received baptism, withdrew into Spain to be alone, and then, in consort with his holy wife, sold all their vast estates in various parts of the empire, distributing their proceeds so prudently that St. Jerome says East and West were filled with his alms.

He was then ordained priest, and retired to Nola in Campania. There he rebuilt the Church of St. Felix with great magnificence, and served it night and day, living a life of extreme abstinence and toil. In 409 he was chosen bishop, and for more than thirty years so ruled as to be conspicuous in an age blessed with many great and wise bishops. St. Gregory the Great tells us that when the Vandals of Africa had made a descent on Campania, Paulinus spent all he had in relieving the distress of his people and redeeming them from slavery.

At last there came a poor widow; her only son had been carried off by the son-in-law of the Vandal king. “Such as I have I give thee,” said the Saint to her; “we will go to Africa, and I will give myself for your son.” Having overborne her resistance, they went, and Paulinus was accepted in place of the widow’s son, and employed as gardener. After a time the king found out, by divine interposition, that his son-in-law’s slave was the great Bishop of Nola. He at once set him free, granting him also the freedom of all the townsmen of Nola who were in slavery.

One who knew him well says he was meek as Moses, priestlike as Aaron, innocent as Samuel, tender as David, wise as Solomon, apostolic as Peter, loving as John, cautious as Thomas, keen-sighted as Stephen, fervent as Apollos. He died in 431.

Photo credit: Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
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  1. Szukałem pomocy w sieci, jak zainstalować bezprzewodowy modem. A tu gotowe rozwiązanie. Krok po kroku. Taki opis jest właśnie dla mnie. Nie jestem fachowcem. Dzięki i pozdrawiam.

  2. St.Paulinus of Nola, please intercede for me to have my family back, to reconcile with my child’s father and learn to love again, fir world peace, for the sick, for souls in purgatory and for our Holy Father’s intentions, praying trusting and believing in our Lord Jesus Christ ,who lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever, Amen. Mary help of Christians, pray for us.

    • Amen. Please don’t give up in hope, as my children are both with me and their father returned to be in our lives. God truly wants his famiilies back together. May Christ’s peace be with you.

  3. Saint Paulinus please pray for my family and bring all of us back to Christ. Heal all the wounds of division, especially in my children. I ask your intercession through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

  4. Dear St Paulinus I pray that my daughter will forgive my son in law n make them together again as a happy n holy family! With God everything is possible ,please ntercedevforbthis my humble prayer,Amen.

  5. St. Paulinus please pray for the poor souls in purgatory, young mothers with children, priest, and all the people here today.. Amen..


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