Model and heavenly patroness of domestic servants, born early in the thirteenth century of a poor family at Montsegradi, a little village near Lucca, in Tuscany; died at Lucca, 27 April, 1271.
A naturally happy disposition and the teaching of a virtuous mother, aided by Divine grace, developed in the child’s soul that sweetness and modesty of character and continual and conscientious application to work which constituted her especial virtues. At the age of twelve she entered the service of the Fatinelli family of Lucca. Her piety and the exactitude with which she discharged her domestic duties, in which she regarded herself as serving God rather than man, even supplying the deficiencies of her fellow servants, far from gaining for her their love and esteem and that of her employers rather brought upon her every manner of ill-treatment of both the former and, through their accusations, of the latter. The incessant ill-usage, however, was powerless to deprive her of her inward peace, her love of those who wronged her, and her respect for her employers. By this meek and humble self-restraint she at last succeeded in overcoming the malice of her fellow-servants and her employers, so much so that she was placed in charge of all the affairs of the house.
In her position of command over all the servants she treated all with kindness, not exacting from them any reckoning for the wrongs she had for so many years suffered from them. She was always circumspect, and only severe when there was a question of checking the introduction of vice among the servants. On the other hand, if any of them had been guilty of shortcomings, she took upon herself to excuse or defend them to their employers. Using the ample authority given her by her employers, she was generous in almsgiving, but careful to assist only those really in need. After her death numerous miracles were wrought at her intercession, so that she came to be venerated as a saint in the neighbourhood of Lucca, and the poets Fazio degli Uberti (Dittamonde, III, 6) and Dante (Inferno, XI, 38) both designate the city of Lucca simply as “Santa Zita”. The office in her honour was approved by Leo X.
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She’s incorrupt, too–the first and longest incorrupt saint in the Church!
John don’t say such a thing, there are many good and holy saints in the early church..
Where is her tomb? Is it open to public viewing?
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John, Explain to Robert what “Incorrupt”
Means when a Saintly person dies. Thanks.
“In-corrupt” means that her body looks the same as when she died.
Saint Zita, pray for us!
St. Zita, pray for us.
Dear follower of the Son of God,
You desired to become a servant
and died the death of a slave.
You were not only a faithful maid-servant
but a practical lover of the poor.
Like Mary You could have said:
“Behold the handmaid of the Lord.”
Prompt domestics to be just and charitable,
seeing in their employers children of God
and setting an example for them as servants of God.
There are MANY ,,,,MANY ways to serve our LORD, JESUS CHRIST!!!!!! No matter what path you walk ,,if you keep
JUSTICE and LOVE in your HEART,,,,,,,,you WILL be SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!!DO. NOT. FORGET,,,,,while you WORK,,,,,
CHRIST is with YOU!!!!!! ST. ZITA ,is the BEST,,,,,EXAMPLE,,,she was a SERVANT….but,,,,SHE ….always SERVED….our
GOD!!!!!!! I cannot imagine,,,,SAINT ZITA ,,,,,was given the gift ,,,,locating KEYS?????? I believe she had the “””KEY GIFT””””THAT WOULD BE SOMETHING…….WE,,,,ALL,,,,WOULD,,,,ONLY,,,,DREAM,,,,OF !!!!!!On this DAY,,,,,
April 27,,,,,I would like to share with you,,,,has a very personal meaning!!!!!!! Someone,,,,I ,,,,,saw leave this EARTH and
,take his place in HEAVEN!!!!!!HE WAS MY ,,,,,TEACHER of GOD,,,,,He was my PREACHER of GOD,,,,
ST. ZITA,,,,,,thank you for showing,,,,,,serving God’s PEOPLE,,,,,,is,,,,,SERVING,,,,OUR GOD !!!!!!!
St. Zita, pray for the prisoners.
Pray for the poor and suffering as well as criminals languishing in prisons, O Saint Zita.
Dear St. Zika, May you always be sympathetic to the families who could afford to hire you, but also to the poor, and our prisoners. There are so many who need your prayers and attention. Thank you for being an example to all of us.
Saint Zita, pray for us amen