In 1590, the Church of Buen Suceso in Madrid, Church of the Good Event, was built on the remains of the hospital for Spanish royal court, and functioned as both thereafter.

The motherhouse of the Obregonian Brothers, a now-defunct small Roman Catholic congregation of men dedicated to the care of the sick, was adjacent to the newly constructed Church of Buen Suceso.

Around 1607, these brothers were presented with a statue of the Virgin from Pope Paul V, entitled Virgen del Buen Suceso – Our Lady of the Good Event. Veneration of Mary as Our Lady of the Good Event spread throughout Sprain and worldwide thereafter.

From February 2nd, 1594 to February 2, 1634, a Conceptionist sister by the name of Mother Mariana de Jesús Torres claimed to receive Marian apparitions under this title.

The whole of the messages from the Marian apparitions during this time told of a “spiritual catastrophe” in the Catholic Church and in society, beginning “shortly after the middle of the twentieth century,” including:

    • Widespread moral corruption
    • Profanation of the Sacrament of Matrimony
    • Depraved priests who will scandalize the faithful and cause suffering for good priests
    • Unbridled lust which will ensnare many souls
    • Loss of innocence among children and loss of modesty among women
    • Lack of priestly and religious vocations

On 8 December 1634, Mother Mariana received the final Marian apparition, predicting that papal infallibility “will be declared a dogma of the Faith by the same Pope chosen to proclaim the dogma of the Mystery of My Immaculate Conception.”

In 1854, Pope Pius IX defined the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, and in 1870, he declared the dogma of papal infallibility as defined by the First Vatican Council.

Mother Mariana died on January 16th, 1635, shortly after the last Marian apparition. When her tomb was reopened in 1906, her body was found to be incorrupt. The Archdiocese of Quito opened her cause for canonization in 1986 and finished the diocesan stage of the process in 1997, making her Servant of God Mariana de Jesús Torres.

Photo credit: CarlosVdeHabsburgo via Wikimedia
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