2617 Mary’s prayer is revealed to us at the dawning of the fullness of time. Before the incarnation of the Son of God, and before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, her prayer cooperates in a unique way with the Father’s plan of loving kindness: at the Annunciation, for Christ’s conception; at Pentecost, for the formation of the Church, his Body. In the faith of his humble handmaid, the Gift of God found the acceptance he had awaited from the beginning of time. She whom the Almighty made “full of grace” responds by offering her whole being: “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be [done] to me according to your word.” “Fiat”: this is Christian prayer: to be wholly God’s, because he is wholly ours.

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  1. Who is my mother. When you pray pray to the father. Do not bow to statues. Mary is not devine. Although she gave birth to Jesus she is not a god. I’m wondering where you guys get all this crap bc its not in the bible. Still wondering how you guys took out the commandment of not making graven images or do not bow to statues. Oh wait I know why bc you think the pope has the power to change Gods law

    • You are right to say that Mary, mother of God is not a God or Goddess because the Catholic Church never looks to her as a goddess in any manner whatsoever. She gave birth not to just anybody but the Son of the Living God and with her God Himself uses her at HIS WILL not by Mary’s nor anyone else here on earth as part of HIS plan for our salvation. You are correct by saying pray to the Father and only to the Father. Mary mother of God is closer to her Son’s, our Lord Jesus Christ, Sacred Heart and knows His love much more than any of us. You say graven images of the Ten Commandments. Graven images are of things that do not exist and wiht our Blessed Mother she is not of non-existance nor do we bow to her as a goddess, placing her higher than God Himself. With Mary God has allowed for Her to be a tool for our intercession to Him, giving us another grace of obtaining His infinite graces. Mary’s role is in the Holy Bible: And the angel being come in, said unto her: ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.'[46] And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. [47] And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. [48] Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. (Luke 1:28,46-48)
      Mary herself even said ALL NATIONS will call me BLESSED, meaning they will HONOR, worship, HONOR her.
      As for the Pope, we do not believe that he has the power to change God Law. No one on earth has that power. The Pope simply carries out our Lord Jesus’ teachings and continues the succession of St. Peter, the very first Pope of Christ Jesus’ Church. Which by the way Jesus said He will build ONE and only ONE church o which it will not fail. The Catholic Church till this day has not failed.

    • We do not worship Mary as a God. It’s not worship to honor her, as you would keep a picture of your own mother in your wallet or a picture of your family on your walls. She is a model of Love and Trust in God, shouldn’t we try to invite God into us as she did, to remain close to her Son to the Cross as she was. Mary is the Mother of all Christians, not just Catholics, for when Christ was on the Cross he gave his Mother to the Church. She was in the room at Pentecost, she was filled with the Holy Spirit! Shouldn’t we all allow her a place of remembrance? I pray that you don’t keep believing the lies of Protestant Orthodoxy that says Catholics are idol worshippers because we’re not, we only worship God the Father, Jesus his Son, and the Holy Spirit in Trinity. Eucharistic Jesus is the Center of the Mass, not Mary.

      • Nicely said Mary…She is the Mother of God and part of the Holy Family…So many speak out of fear and ignorance. I pray that they pray and are changed profoundly.

    • John go back to your faith family and leave this alone…..Apparently you don’t read Luke…No one said she’s devine. YOu have the problem we don’t my brother…Pray about it…I think your heart will change…In Christ’s Love GTV

  2. Is Mary the Mother of Jesus? Yes. Is Jesus our brother? Yes. Does that mean that Mary is our Mother? You bet! Mother Mary, Co-redemptrix, pray for us.

  3. It is not by our own means that we know of our Blessed Mothers role for our salvation but by the Power Wisdom and Love of the Holy Spirit that has revealed these beautiful graces to our hearts. 🙂


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