The Demon That Torments Priests in Hell Over Their Mispronounced Words

In the Middle Ages, tutivillus was the demon du jour for those concerned with literacy and writing.

Did You Know? Why Blue Used To Be Seen as the...

Pop culture sees pink as the most 'feminine,' but did you know it actually used to be blue?

Were Early Catholics Known by Any Other Name?

A Catholic by any other name would be just as pious: early followers of Jesus were known as of the Sect of the Nazarenes, followers of the Way, and Sheep.

Did This Catholic Priest Really Invent a Time Machine?

🕰️ Dive into the tale of Father Pellegrino Ernetti's Chronovisor - an alleged 'time television'. Is it a scientific marvel or an elaborate myth?

Benedict XVI Was the Second Pope to Abdicate the Papacy, but...

Before Celestine V abdicated the papacy, popes didn't have the authority to resign. He formally decreed the right of resignation and promptly exercised it.

Jesuit Tea: Why Yerba Maté Is Also Known the “Elixir of...

Yerba maté is an increasingly popular alternative to the standard coffee or tea. If you've ever enjoyed the brewed infusion, you have Jesuits to thank.

Why Medieval Composers Called This Sound ”The Devil in Music”

For hundreds of years after a Benedictine monk invented modern musical notation, the Devil was said to exist in THIS musical tone.

When the JFK Eternal Flame Was Accidentally Put Out… With Holy...

It has only been accidentally extinguished three times since it was first lit by Jackie Kennedy on November 25th, 1963.

When Medieval Catholic Saints Would Practice ‘Great Starvation’

In the Middle Ages, ascetics would practice 'anorexia mirabilis' - many going on to become saints.

Stylites: The ‘Pillar-Saints’ Who Spent Their Entire Lives Atop a Pillar

The first was Saint Symeon the Stylite, who climbed a pillar in 423 and remained there until his death 37 years later.