The Catholic Origins of Halloween
Halloween's origins are, in fact, very Christian. Halloween falls on October 31 because of a Pope, and its observances are the result of medieval Catholic piety.
This Bible Was Found Melted To A Piece Of Steel From...
This Bible was found melted to a chunk of steel from the World Trade Center. The page it was permanently opened to will astonish and inspire you...
How To Make A Palm Cross
A complete guide with easy to follow videos and diagrams showing how to make a Palm Cross
The Terrifying Vision of Pope Leo XIII
On October 13th, 1884, exactly 33 years before the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Pope Leo XIII had a terrifying vision of the future of the Church.
What Is The Pope’s Actual Title? (Hint: It’s Not Pope)
It might come as a surprise, but of the pope's eight official titles, pope isn't actually one of them.
What Does “INRI” On The Crucifix Actually Mean?
If you've ever looked at a Crucifix, you most likely noticed the four letters "INRI" inscribed atop the cross. Why is it there and what does it mean?
What’s Really In The Vatican Secret Archives?
Evidence of aliens? Proof that Jesus didn't exist? People have long speculated about what is in Vatican Secret Archives... Here's the truth.
Is This The Actual Robe Of Jesus Christ?
The Gospel of John mentions the Holy Tunic of Jesus Christ, worn by Himself before and during His crucifixion. What remains of it, and where is it today?
The Time When the Pope Was Kidnapped
The Church has a rich and extensive history with France, dating back centuries. One of the most notable events was the kidnapping of the pope by Napoleon.
The 10 Countries With The Most Catholics
Every year the Vatican publishes their directory book, the Annuario Pontificio, containing statistics from the Vatican Central Office for Church Statistics.