On August 26, the Vatican released an official prayer for the intercession and canonization of Blessed John Paul I, coinciding with the anniversary of his election to the papacy in 1978.

Albino Luciani, known for his humility and simplicity, was elected as Pope on this day following a swift conclave.

Argentine Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio, who witnessed the moment of Luciani’s election, recalled the “profound serenity” that marked his acceptance, noting his “yes to Christ, a yes to the Church as a servant,” reported Vatican News.

During his brief 33-day pontificate, John Paul I made it clear he intended to continue the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, emphasizing the Church’s role in advocating for peace, justice and social progress.

The Prayer for the Canonization and Intercession of Blessed John Paul I as shared by the Vatican is below:

“Blessed John Paul I,
you who with your word and example
taught us to live the grace of Baptism
and the gift of faith, hope, and charity;
you who were a model of evangelical simplicity
and showed us the wisdom of humility;
you who as Pope became close to all
and, as a messenger of the Good News,
manifested your love for the poor
and witnessed to the “unfailing” mercy of God
who “is father, even more, is mother”;
you who pursued unity, dialogue, and peace
following Christ, the Prince of Peace;
pray for the Church you so loved and served,
pray for us, your children,
and obtain for us from the Lord to follow you
on the path of virtues and Beatitudes.
Grant now, O Lord,
through the intercession of Blessed John Paul I,
the grace that we implore from you in faith…
And, if it is Your will, allow him to be canonized
for the glory of Your name and the good of Your Church.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Photo credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
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