Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Dear Lord, hear our prayers. Almighty Father, Lord Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit and all the Saints that watch over us, please pray for me and my family, stand by us, protect us and keep us safe. I humbly beg of You, please, grant me the one Miracle that I pray for in my prayers, and petitions, spoken and unspoken, each and every day. Continue to help us in every way and anyway that You can. Please find it in your hearts to pray for all the petitioners on this wonderful site. In Your names I ask these things. Thank You for prayers answered even those prayers that are unspoken. Please, everyone that I pray to every day, keep those that are homeless or just alone, safe and warm today and through out the entire year. Amen, amen.

  2. Nosso Pai querido, ouça as nossas orações. siga meus passos Senhor, nunca me deixa sozinha em nenhum momento da minha vida. Meu Jesus, Rei do Universo. Amém.

  3. Dear Lord, thank you for the blessings and graces. Guide us in all decisions and may the coming year be better. In Jesus name. Amen.

  4. thank you God and Mother Mary, and my angel for always listening to me,,,,,,you know my one true prayer and if you can give this to me I will be so grateful……even it is only for one day or one hour it be the best,,,,HOLY ONE, HOLY MIGHTY ONE, HOLY IMMORTAL ONE I PRAY TO YOU IN JESUS NAME,,

  5. Dear Jesus, we have gathered around the globe of this Earth to celebrate your birth. That was one day ago…but may we not stop there. May this be the beginning of renewal to live each day filled with your love giving into the lives of others. Where situations have little or no love, we can put love, then there will be love. It may be small, but given from the heart, you, the Holy Spirit will bring growth and peace and joy can reign. This time of year, where there is poverty and addiction, we see families struggle. Domestic abuse reaches epidemic proportions also with out intervention. I ask that you help me be aware and prayerfully bring those who are victims to You and our Blessed Mother’s attention in my prayer life and act as you might delegate me to get involved deeper in helping them. I once was victim of it and through the death of one unborn, You have freed me to be victorious of the pain, grief and anger of it. You are the hope I held onto, and if it is your will, I stand ready to share from my life with other mothers of battered children to help them find hope and healing in you, my Precious Lord and Savior. Please Blessed Mother, guide me also in my role as mother of these last two teens given to my care that they finish their healing in Jesus and go forth to be productive young adults in the life purpose God has for them. Only in you, Jesus, can people overcome and find joy and peace that will be complete!! I ask this in your Name. Amen.

  6. st stephen and all the angels and saints and mama mary intercede for my family especially grandson and daughter for complete healing of body and soul. Jesus continue to hold on to grandson,s hand and guide and guard his every step away from substance abuse and mental illness. let him accept u Jesus as his lord and savior. he need u he loves u and have found u. dont let him go. i ask all this in your name O jesus and thank u for answered prayers. amen amen and amen.

  7. Dear Lord hear my prayer ..If it be your will please let this place sell immediately & also have everything work out with my SSD. Thank you Lord for always listening to my prayers.

  8. Heavenly Father, I thank you for helping my husband with his depression and I pray that he starts going to mass with me. I lift up to you our marriage and I pray that my adult children with return to church. Amen!

  9. Heavenly Father I thank you for your blessings in my life and that of my family. We adore, praise, and honor your holy name. We fervently commit our prayers, works, joys and sufferings unto you and pray that we live and work to your greater glory. We pray for peace in the world and commit widows, the poor, destitutes and people suffering all kinds of afflictions unto your care. Thanks almighty and merciful God for an answered prayer. May your holy name be praised forever, amen.


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