Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!
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Lord teach us how to pray. For my personal intentions and others. I pray to find the right way to Christ spiritually. I pray for the family, friends and for those afflicted and ill. I pray for mercy, forgiveness and healing. Lord help us to center our lives to You. Amen.
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received, have mercy on us.
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
In thanksgiving, dear Lady, for blessings received through your prayer intercession after a novena to your most holy heart. It removes countless obstacles and allows graces to flow. Nothing can escape your genuine humility as a woman and your submissive love to the Lord God Almighty. We have you to thank for the Holy Name of Jesus, in obedience to the Father through Gabriel. Make our hearts like yours.
For those with chronic afflictions often overlooked; allergies, anemia, arthritis, scoliosis, varicose veins, etc. For those with adrenal fatigue, who operate at such a high level of constant stress, that when it’s removed they feel hollow and depleted, sometimes for years. Doctors want to blame mental illness but the source of the problem often requires an adjustment in lifestyle. I know we can do all things in Him who strengthens us, but also teach us to practise self-love for our own survival. Teach us discernment, Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. Jude, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Catherine Laboré, St. Margaret Mary Alocoque, pray for us.
lord jesus sana po mtpos n problema ko s mga gamot risdin n green rivotril ziproc akidin vit pls sana wg n po un gmulo s isip ko pls sna wla n bmulong kalain bakekang panget pls pg umiinom ako gmot at vit pls sna wg n tmambay s lbas cla gami aldrin chris kalbo pls sna tmhmk n pristina pls sna wg n kmi mgkailangan ni payat pls sna wg n rn sna sya mglakwatsa pls sna umuwi n sya maaga plgi pls sna wg nko mlgsan ng ngipin kht kelan pls sna wg nko mhilo mtrnta matense kht kelan pls sna wg nko guluhin ng taong nkkslmuha ko pls sna mgnda araw ko plgi pls sna mkblk n kmi condo pls sna ksma c payat sna wla n ung may covid 19 dun sna pmyg c emil sna mgswa nmn kkalakwatsa c payat pls sna wg n rn pgwa kalbo knla sna wg n rn sna sya mgitara lbas nla sna wg n rn sna sya mgybng kotse nya pls sna wg n rn sna sya tmambay lbas nla sna mkdiout ako pg umiinom ako gmot o vit pls lalo n pg aalis sna mkmove on nko pumogi mgkgf mgkwork sna karmahin lht ngkksla skn sna tmhmk n pristina sna hmba p buhay ni mama emil sna gmlng n c mama sna pgpalain nyo nmn ako sna mtpos n problema s covid 19 s pinas sna mtpos n lockdown sana mtpos n lht ng uri ng quarantine pls sna bmlk n s normal lht sna mkblk n kmi condo asap sna ksma c payat sna mgswa nmn c payat pristina pls sna s condo nlng sya sna mkmove on nko pumogi mgkgf mgkwork sna karmahin lht ngkksla skn sna wg nko mgka problema s susunod n nreseta rivotril pls tulungan mo ko lord jesus sna mkbli ko kotse pgdtng ni emil sna tuparin nya pangako nya sna dinggin nyo nmn dsal ko sna after 10 yrs p mgkbf c payat sna mtuto nko mgdrive pls sna plabasin n mga senior pls sna maayos n problema condo pls sna mkblk n kmi dun asap sna mgustuhan nmn ni payat condo kesa pristina pls sna pmyg nmn c emil mklpt uli kmi condo sna mgnda araw ko bukas sna november p uwi ni emil sna mrmdmn ko nmn presensya nyo wg nko pumanget pls sna wla mkcmba n uli ko pls sna wla ngbbsketbol bukas kla gami pls sna mkumpleto n gmit condo pls sna mhalin nmn nla condo pls sna mpuksa n covid 19 s pinas pls sna bmlk n s normal lht lord jesus pls sna kyo n bhla skn s araw araw sna wla n mglit skn at mgksala pls sna mtkot cla s karma sna pmyg n c emil lmpat kmi condo sna pwtd po s lht ng kslanan ko sna normal n s ssunod n araw sna wla lkad c payat bukas pls sna pgpalain nyo nmn ako parang awa nyo n lord jesus pls sna wg nko mgkproblema s ssunod n nreseta ng rivotril sna unawain ko nlng lht ngkksla skn sna kyo n bhla skn plgi tnx amen
Pray for my husband Frederick Banda’s freedom his case was adjourned to tomorrow, i pray for his freedom so he can come back home for his family and provide for us. I pray for him to be set free. I also pray for his enemies who wants to see him fall/down that if he has wronged them in any way through knowingly and unknowingly let them find it in the heart to forgive him. Pray for my children, my husband and me for more blessings, good health in our lifes and for financial breakthrough. Pray for me for new opportunities in my career and progress in my business.
Thank you Lord Jesus for today, I ask for forgiveness of my sins, be with my family back home and the ones here, never let our sins be a hindrance to your blessings. Lord hear our prayers amen. Mater Dei Ora pro nobis