Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Dear holy mother of our God,on this very day today on 3rd 2017 I saw the holy relic of the perpetual icon in my dreams,and shouting at phelomena ,Mama I beg you to guide me and my family,pray for my marriage to take place, grant me my visa, financial healing urgently,bless me to get my money which is in depth which I demise parents have kept for me ,my parents rights in Deoghar which my uncle Dilip has kept, please help to get it all and I’m suffering without my parents alone,help me to get rid of the evils and enemies and my family, pray for Chris studies and career and Ryan, pray for Anil family Ajay and Wilson’s family, bless us with protection and deliverence and miracles and peace victory in Jesus name Amen thank you love you Mama Mary
    Your daughter payal


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