Amid rising tensions in Israel, Jerusalem’s Latin Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa has voiced growing concerns about an escalating series of attacks against Christian properties and individuals by Jewish ultra-nationalists.

These extremists have ramped up vandalism against churches and cemeteries, as well as physical and verbal aggression against Christian clergy, in recent months. Disturbingly, there have even been attempts to seize churches.

In an interview with Vatican News, Pizzaballa, who is soon to be elevated to the rank of cardinal, pointed out that this rise in religious intolerance, particularly prevalent in Jerusalem, is alarming both the Christian community and Israeli authorities. However, he says efforts to control these incidents have so far shown little progress.

The patriarch attributed this concerning trend to a younger generation nurtured in a climate of violence and division.

While he appreciates the legal actions taken by the police, he says the Israeli government is not giving this issue its due consideration, and although the government isn’t explicitly anti-Christian, its actions have indirectly created a tension-filled atmosphere.

In a climate of growing unease, Christians in the Holy Land are not asking for special protection, but for the basic rights any democratic nation should ensure for all citizens, regardless of their faith.

Despite the escalating violence, Pizzaballa noted strong backlash within Israeli society, including from Jewish religious leaders, giving hope for a peaceful resolution.

Pray for peace!


Photo credit: Fallaner via Wikimedia Commons
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