When Whoopi Goldberg recently met Pope Francis in the Vatican City recently, her joy was palpable.

She took to Instagram, exclaiming, “I’m here and we’re looking at all these different things and I think I forgot to mention I met the Pope today. It’s pretty remarkable.”

Goldberg has long been an advocate for many issues, including the environment. During her Vatican visit, she viewed the “Changes” exhibition, which spotlights the grave impacts of climate change. While there, she mused about the importance of bees and even humorously suggested sending some to the Pope. She highlighted, “having bees brings attention to the fact that bees are dying all around the planet.”

Known for her candid takes on various subjects on The View, the star has previously been vocal about her disagreements with certain Church decisions, notably when San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone barred U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion. Reacting to that decision, Goldberg had said, “This is not your job, dude… that is not up to you to make that decision.”

But at the heart of her Vatican visit was gratitude.

Goldberg has waited nearly eleven years for this moment to thank Pope Francis for his message of love, inclusion, and hope. Quoting the Pope, she expressed, “He says we have to love everybody,” emphasizing that it’s not for humans to judge, but for God.

While there, she dropped hints about the potential backdrop for the much-anticipated Sister Act 3. In front of St. Peter’s Square, she teased her followers with the possibility of using the iconic location for the movie.

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