Today’s readings are full of dramatic reversals. Captives are set free, those who sow in tears reap rejoicing, valleys are filled, mountains made low, winding roads are made straight. These tremendous changes are the stuff epics are made of. And each one of them is attributed to the salvation God has brought to the world.
One of the things I love about our Catholic faith is that it doesn’t pretend that things aren’t hard sometimes. They are…really hard: acts of terrorism on a global scale, nationwide problems like unemployment and homelessness and the individual struggles that each one of us face. Without the Lord, life would be a tragedy in so many ways.
But the Lord is with us and that fact changes everything. It is why martyrs in the Middle East are able to die with the name of Jesus on their lips. It is how families who have lost someone dear to them are able to still find happiness in life—hoping they will one day be reunited in heaven. It is how we are able to genuinely echo the words of the Responsorial Psalm, “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.”
At Christmas we celebrate the incredible transformation life with Christ can bring. After all, if the King of Universe can become a baby born in a lowly manger, how can we fail to believe that the Lord will take care of us and guide us through both joys and sorrows? Like His Chosen people, we “may advance secure in the glory of God”.
– Caitlin Bootsma, Communications Director at Fuzati, LLC
I enjoy your daily explanations . They help me understand the scriptures. Thank you