Today we make the point that the misuse of something doesn’t render it unholy or wrong in itself. The church has a clean slate in correcting abuses concerning indulgences – this is true at the time of the reformation and before.

Ave Maria!

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  1. Thank you so much brother Joseph for posting these videos everyday…i watch them nearly everyday and they are very beneficial to me. I am so happy that your not afraid to talk about anything and everything concerning to the faith, it means alot to me! We are the church militant, and its so good to be acting like it! Men and women like you really are consouling to people like me who see, and hear so much evil around us that it nearly engulfs us. But when the truth is given in videos like these it dispels the darkness and brings hope! Again THANK YOU so very much brother Joseph for the gift of your time and prayer! God bless you always!

  2. Thank you Fr. Joseph Mary for your clarification on Indulgences, but I have a question for you. If the Protestants make the claim that the Catholic Church was permitting entrance fee to Heaven, then what about baptism in the Protestant Church that almost exclusively is performed for a set price. The Holy Scripture states that baptism is a requirement for salvation (invincible ignorance exception) how then can they collect entrance fee to Heaven? Besides they have a set price for all the sacraments in Protestant countries, or rather services for they do not have other sacraments.
    Please do not publish this request, but I would appreciate an answer mailed to my my e-mail address.

    In J+M

  3. I wish to thank you for this video. It took me 48 years to know for sure that yes you can and should call the priest father. So long this has been at me so long I have given thought as what is the right thing to do. I say this God has opened my eyes and my heart. Truly inside of me yearns for his word and the church as if something happened I can not describe in words. I know not how many days the Lord has numbered for me but I will serve and honor him and his church knowing now all is as it should be. I have peace knowing what I have longed for to know for certain the Catholic church is the church. Thank you father for with me I feel like this is the first day of going to school I am happy and sad it took so long.

  4. Very interesting video! But I’m still confused. I understand indulgences don’t “buy” you forgiveness. But if you have already repented, and your sin has already been forgiven through the blood of Christ, why the indulgence? I mean, if you have been forgiven, why is there still a penalty to fulfill? Why must you seek the “mercy of the indulgence” if you have already been forgiven? I can understand someone, after having been forgiven, acting out of love or to demonstrate the good faith of his repentance, going out and doing good works. Yet the impression the video left me is that indulgences are a form of penance, which implies obligation. But if you have been already been forgiven, why is there still penance to be completed? I ask this with all sincerity, as a Catholic that wishes to clarify these issues, to understand them better, and be ready when others question them with perhaps not the best of intentions in mind. Thanks!

    • Hi Chris, when you go to confession the priest absolves your sin(s) and give you penance inform of pray or otherwise, your sin(s) has already been forgive you by God thorugh the ministry of the priest but you still have to serve some punishment for the remission for the temporal punishment to your sins. that where the indulgence comes in: An indulgence, in Roman Catholic theology, is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven. The indulgence is granted by the church after the sinner has confessed and received absolution.[1] The belief is that indulgences draw on the storehouse of merit acquired by Jesus’ sacrifice and the virtues and penances of the saints.[2] They are granted for specific good works and prayers. There is a little booklet called pieta it has some prayers that the Church attached some days, months and years of indulengences if you said them after Mass, like Anima Christi:
      Soul of Christ, sanctify me
      Body of Christ, save me
      Blood of Christ, inebriate me
      Water from Christ’s side, wash me
      Passion of Christ, strengthen me
      O good Jesus, hear me
      Within Thy wounds hide me
      Suffer me not to be separated from Thee
      From the malicious enemy defend me
      In the hour of my death call me
      And bid me come unto Thee
      That I may praise Thee with Thy saints
      and with Thy angels
      Forever and ever
      So it doesn’t necessary mean that you must give money to the Church to gain indulgences but you use money book for mass for souls in pugatory or poor charity work. refer to gospel of Luke chapter 16 vs 9


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