In May, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said he “feels ready” to meet God.

Now, he thinks “that perhaps God is still keeping him here to give witness to the world.”

Last week, his biographer German journalist Peter Seewald said in early October he visited the retired pope and got the impression he “is suffering very much because of the present situation of the Church.”

Seewald added that Benedict XVI is “a man who has suffered a lot – we’ll see how he will pass into history in the coming years.”

He thinks its unfair media treats him as a “reactionary.”

“It is very easy to enter into a dialogue with him. He is a very humble man and not at all an inquisitor. You can criticize him, but it is more interesting to listen to what he has to say.”

He also brought up what Benedict XVI “prophesied” about the Church came true.

“When man turns away from God, society suffers.”

🙏 Pray for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI!

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