No Apologies #104: More Galileo Myths
It's often claimed that the events surrounding Galileo prove that the Church is both a hater of science and fallible. History and reason show...
No Apologies #107: Being “Born Again”
Both Protestants and Catholics believe that you need to be born again (John 3:3) in order to be saved. Protestants believe this takes...
No Apologies #93: Infant Baptism
Fundamentalist criticize Catholics for baptizing infants, but scripture is clear that we are all born into Adam's sin and in need of regeneration, which...
No Apologies #113: More Ruptured Rapture
The rapture also contradicts Scripture in that it is to take place before the tribulation and that it doesn't recognize the value of trials...
No Apologies #89: Scripture and Good Works
Today we look at some Sacred Scripture clearly showing the necessity of both faith and good works for salvation.
Ave Maria!
No Apologies #102: Indulgences- A fruit of Christ’s Redemption
In our conclusion of indulgences we continue to point out their reasonableness and solid founding.
Ave Maria!
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No Apologies #112: The Ruptured Rapture – Part II
Two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left. 'Rapturists' believe that this text from Matthew's Gospel teaches...
No Apologies #92: Conclusion Faith Alone
Today we close Fr. Rumble's essay. The nature of faith alone is directly opposed to Christ's establishment, and therefore, necessity of a Church.
Ave Maria!