Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #104: More Galileo Myths

It's often claimed that the events surrounding Galileo prove that the Church is both a hater of science and fallible. History and reason show...
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #107: Being “Born Again”

Both Protestants and Catholics believe that you need to be born again (John 3:3) in order to be saved. Protestants believe this takes...
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #93: Infant Baptism

Fundamentalist criticize Catholics for baptizing infants, but scripture is clear that we are all born into Adam's sin and in need of regeneration, which...
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #113: More Ruptured Rapture

The rapture also contradicts Scripture in that it is to take place before the tribulation and that it doesn't recognize the value of trials...
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #89: Scripture and Good Works

Today we look at some Sacred Scripture clearly showing the necessity of both faith and good works for salvation. Ave Maria!
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #102: Indulgences- A fruit of Christ’s Redemption

In our conclusion of indulgences we continue to point out their reasonableness and solid founding. Ave Maria! To Download Audio go to
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #112: The Ruptured Rapture – Part II

Two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left. 'Rapturists' believe that this text from Matthew's Gospel teaches...
Fra. Joseph Mary, F.I.

No Apologies #92: Conclusion Faith Alone

Today we close Fr. Rumble's essay. The nature of faith alone is directly opposed to Christ's establishment, and therefore, necessity of a Church. Ave Maria! To...