
7 Lost Catholic Traditions And Why We Need To Bring Them...

In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John discuss some incredibly rich traditions within the Catholic Church and the sad decline in our modern times to actively practicing them. These practices have been either marginalized or forgotten but have great value for the Church and our individual pursuit of holiness.

Is Modern Technology Actually Destroying Your Life?

In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, John and Sam meet with Josh Hochschild, co-author of A Mind At Peace, to discuss the fact that modern technology is designed with the human person as the product to be sold, and how the addictive elements are disrupting and deadening our relationship with God, our family and friends, and ourselves. We also discuss the hierarchy of virtues a man needs to work on to regain control of his faculties and grow in holiness.

20 Skills A Man Should Have To Better His Life

In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, John and Sam discuss the fact that we as gentlemen desire to be competent and capable in the world. A man wants to know (or at least feel like he knows) that no matter what situation he’s placed in, he’ll be able to handle himself — to act rather than react.