Docility to the Will of God leads us to Heaven

“Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life,” we read in the verse before today’s Gospel. Our minds...

We Are Not Kings, We Are Undeserving Servants

In today's Gospel, we hear the "Parable of the Unmerciful Servant". It tells of a servant who was shown unreturnable mercy by the King...

The Man Who Makes The Most Noise In Heaven

St. Joseph was privileged to provide the role of a human father as well as a model of manhood for our Lord – and...

Our Lacerations

A patient came in on one of my last days at the hospital. He was walking down the street when a car jumped the...

Don’t let who you aren’t yet, distract you from who you...

Sitting in my dorm room, 21 years old, crying my eyes out in anger, I had just let my guard down again, letting loneliness...

Today’s Challenge: Combat Jealousy

“As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.” (Antisthenes) In today’s readings, we are taught in both...

What to do about rejection

Chances are that you have been rejected at some point in your life. It’s not a fun thing to think about, because rejection often...

Finding Peace

The last few months have been very emotional for our country. There has been tremendous wailing and gnashing, a great many people deeply disappointed...

Giving our lives to the Lord

This is the third and most detailed of the Passion predictions, as Christ paints a picture of His fate while also describing the challenges...

When You’re Feeling Weighed Down

A people pleaser by nature, I love helping others with their burdens. No. I actually love taking burdens from others, so much so that...