Open Letter from American Artists and Leaders Urges Pope Francis to...

Prominent figures from the Americas have written to Pope Francis, urging him to stop further restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass 👉

Here’s How You Can Receive an Indulgence on World Grandparents &...

The Vatican has granted a plenary indulgence for visiting elderly on World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, July 28 👉

Vatican Newspaper Compares Biden’s Withdrawal to Benedict XVI’s Resignation

Alessandro Gisotti, Vatican Media's editorial director, wrote that Biden's withdrawal is similar to Pope Benedict XVI's resignation 👉

US Bishops Announce “Love Beyond Measure” Theme for 2024 Natural Family...

The USCCB has announced the 2024 NFP Awareness Week theme focusing on God’s gifts in marriage 👉

Chaldean Catholic Church Rejects Blessings for Same-Sex Unions

The Chaldean Catholic Church reaffirmed its stance against blessing same-sex unions, emphasizing the sanctity of the marriage sacrament 👉

Former Catholic Church Employee in Alabama Pleads Guilty to $300,000 Embezzlement...

A former administrative assistant at St. Francis of Assisi University Parish in Alabama admitted to stealing $300,000 to buy TikTok gifts 👉

Pope Francis Calls for Olympic Truce Amid Global Conflicts

Pope Francis and the Vatican's "Athletica Vaticana" called for a global ceasefire during the Paris Olympics to promote peace and unity 👉

Austrian Priest Arrested for Producing Crystal Meth in Parish Rectory

A 38-year-old priest in Austria was arrested for producing crystal meth in his parish rectory. Police also seized chemicals and equipment at his home.

Pope Francis Makes Surprise Visit to Rome’s Luna Park di Ostia

Pope Francis met with amusement park workers and blessed a statue of Our Lady, Patroness of the Traveling Show and Circus 🎪

Watch Pope Francis’ August Prayer Intention for Political Leaders

🙏 Pray with Pope Francis for political leaders! Watch his official prayer intention for August 👉