Regular Church Attendance Linked to Lowered Risk of Suicide
In a study that was published in August of last year, a link between regularly attending church and a lower risk for suicide was found. This trend goes against the sad reality of an increasing rate of suicide in the United States across men and women of all backgrounds.
Pope Francis Says People Who Trust In Horoscopes and Fortune Tellers...
During Pope Francis' Angelus last Sunday in Saint Peter's Square, the Supreme Pontiff addressed those who consult with fortune tellers and horoscopes saying:
Could These Desert Ruins Found in Israel Prove the Story of...
The Book of Exodus tells perhaps the most iconic story found in the Bible, where Moses leads the Israelites away from slavery in Egypt. Could these recently discovered ruins near the Jordan river provide archaeological evidence for the Exodus?
Holy Ring: Could This Be the Actual Wedding Ring of Joseph...
The Santo Anello, Holy Ring, is said to be the wedding ring given to Mary by Joseph.
Did You Know? Why We Have Juries of Twelve
No law doesn't require twelve jurors for criminal trials, but for 1300 years, that's been the tradition.
When the Pope Banned Slavery in the Americas
Nearly 500 years ago, the Pope banned and punished anyone enslaving Native Americans with excommunication.
The True Meaning of Christmas: Every Catholic Needs to Watch This...
His sermon on the True Meaning of Christmas is fitting for an increasingly secular Western world that eschews the spiritual for the material.
Why Can’t Women Become Priests? Everyone Should Watch This Beautiful Sermon...
His sermon on the True Meaning of Christmas is fitting for an increasingly secular Western world that eschews the spiritual for the material.
Does God Really Have a Sense of Humor? Every Catholic Needs...
The answer from Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is truly beautiful and full of wisdom for today's age 👉
Signs of Our Times: Fulton Sheen’s Prophetic Sermon on Today’s Crisis...
Over 75 years ago, Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen gave a prophetic sermon on the crises we see in society and the Church today. "Our Lord tells us that he will be so much like Himself that he would deceive even the elect — and certainly no devil ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect." Don't miss this one 👉