St. Theodosia of Constantinople

St. Theodosia of Constantinople

St. Theodosia of Constantinople lived during the eighth century and was born in answer to the fervent prayers of her parents. After their deaths,...
St. Philip Neri

St. Philip Neri

St. Philip Neri (1515-1595) is known as the Apostle of Rome. With his distinctly joyous and personal manner, he was one of the influential...
St. Bede the Venerable

St. Bede the Venerable

St. Bede "the Venerable" was the first great English scholar. He was born in Northumbria (according to tradition, at Monkton, Durham, east of Newcastle)...
St. Joanna

St. Joanna

St. Joanna was the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward (Lk. 8:3) and a disciple of Jesus, and mentioned in Luke (8.3) as providing for...
St. Julia

St. Julia

St. Julia was born of noble parents in North Africa. When she was still quite young, her city was conquered by barbarians. Julia was...
St. Rita of Cascia

St. Rita of Cascia

St. Rita of Cascia, Saint of the Impossible, led a life of many trials. Yet, during that life she also achieved many significant triumphs....
St. Cristobal Magallanes

St. Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions

Like Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, S.J., St. Cristóbal and his 24 companion martyrs lived under a very anti-Catholic government in Mexico, one determined to...
St. Bernardine of Siena

St. Bernardine of Siena

In the year 1400, a young man came to the door of the largest hospital in Siena. A plague was raging through the city...
Pope St. Celestine V

Pope St. Celestine V

He was the eleventh of twelve children. His father died early, and his mother raised him with an influence towards a religious vocation.  When...
Pope St. John I

Pope St. John I

Little is known of John's life before he took office as pope, except that he was born in Tuscany and that his father was...