Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. lord jesus sna po mtpos problema ko s mga gmot risdin rivotril syclop serenace akineton zyproc sna po wg n un gmulo s isip ko pls sna wla n bmulong kalain bakekang panget pg umiinom ako gmot umaga at gabi pls sna wg n tmambay s lbas cla gami aldrin chris kalbo pls sna tmhmk n pristina pls sna wg n kmi mgkailangan ni pyt wg n rn sna sya mglakwatsa sna umuwi n sya maaga plgi pls sna wg n mtnggl ngipin ko kht kailan pls sna wg nko mhilo mtranta matense kht kailan pls sna wg nko guluhin ng taong nkkslmuha ko pls sna mklipat nko trece nxt yr pls sna mkbyd kmi monthly trece sana last n swimming nla pyt un knina pls nxt yr n uli pls sna ptwd po s mga kslanan ko pls sna tmhmk n pristina mgnda sna araw ko plgi sna mksurvive buong summer d2 pristina tnx amen

  2. Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for redeeming me from the bondage of sin, I pray this day through the intercession of blessed mother Mary and the Angels and Saints and all who is going to join me in this prayer, that the Almighty Heavenly Father who is the creator and source of everything, to grant me wisdom, Knowledge and skills.

  3. Pleaae bless our family who have gone .bless jack our german shepard we lost to cancer.give us strength. We love you god.amen

  4. Dear Lord, thank you for making my day productive and accomplished. I have ended the day w/ lots of actions undertaken. Thanks for the publication of extra-judicial settlement, I hope everything will progress in accordance to your plans. Amen.

  5. My Dear Heavenly Father, im here again begging for forgiveness please hear me Father God I am a sinner pardon me for my wrong doings. I wont get tired of saying sorry because I know You will never get tired of forgiving me too. I love You my Father , Thank You for all the blessings.. please hear my prayer.. please heal my heart from pain and sufferings.. please give me back my love,, make him realize our son need him and so do I.. please clear his mind and tell him he has to choose us over his new gf.. Please make him a responsible person, a husband and a father.. And I am begging You my God please keep my family healthy, safe and happy, and to our Blessed Holy Mother Mary please help our people our nation please intercede as I pray for a peaceful world , I love you Lord God, In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  6. Please pray for some people who died, a little girl who needs healing, those who are bad and those missing and those who I love, and others

  7. Lord I pray for mercy with my court case and I pray just like you prayed lord let this cup pass from me! Lord please let me have patience to understand your will! My life had been transformed because if the strength I draw from your love. Lord I pray to have mercy to stay home and continue my work with addicts to stay with my doctors that are taking care of my illnesses. Lord I pray I can have mercy from the judges and prosecutors will please help restore live and compassion with my sister. Lord I pray my nephew will have a moment of clarity and stop what he’s doing with our family. I pray the lying and stealing will stop. Amen

  8. Dear community please help intercede that God meet me and my household at this critical time of our need. I offer my prayers of mercy, protection and care to God on behalf of all refugees all over the world and all doctors and missionaries without border.Join me in praying for the souls of the 4 reverend sisters killed in Yemen and all the faceless martyrs giving up their lives for spreading of the gospel.

  9. Almighty Father, u know fully well that I got cancer and need healing. Please lay upon me ur healing hands that all the cancer cells in my body be removed. I ask you dear God to free me from worries. Help me too to ease my other bodily pains brought about by my maintenance meds. Thank you so much for all the blessings you have given – my ever-supportive family, my prayer warriors since i succumb to this illness and for all those who have helped me acquire my needed medicines for free. Thank you so much for your endless blessings.

  10. Lord Jesus, I pray that my Father, George and my mother, Norma who passed away five months apart. I am grief-stricken, but I pray that they are both in heaven with you. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I also ask you to please bring my cat, Clarence back home safe and sound. You know I have no children and he is my companion along with my other pets. I am already broken-hearted with the lost of my parents. Please have mercy on me Lord and on my Clarence. I thank You and praise You. I love You Lord. Please be patient with me as I try to sort out my life.


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