Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Jesus I pray for cure of dev from illness and to be restored to good health. I pray for getting extension in service. Pray for good health for self family and near ones. I pray for peace in our country and in the world. I pray for our Holy Father and all priests. I pray for gift of faith for dev and basu.

  2. Heavenly Father I thank you for today and the blessings of family and friends. Jesus the great physician, I pray to be cancer free and strong and healthy! Nothing is impossible with God!

  3. Lord,
    Today I ask you to please be with all who are suffering, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Please pour out your love and mercy upon them. If it be your will, please heal them. Comfort them and give them your peace. You know what is best for us. Please oh Lord, give them strength and courage to carry their crosses and may they join their suffering to yours. May their crosses draw them close to you and allow them to see how much they’re loved. I ask you Lord to hear the prayers mentioned here and in the depths of people’s hearts.
    Please be with my family Lord and help them during all of the changes we are going through. Please keep them healthy and safe and draw them close to your heart.

  4. Heavenly Father,
    I ask for a peaceful end to family conflicts. I pray for the repose of the soul of my aborted grandchild and an end to abortion. I pray for my daughter, who suffers from untreated mental illness and who is devastatingly depressed due to the choices in her recent past. I pray for all people facing the harsh legal, financial and health consequences of an ungodly lifestyle. Merciful God, guide them back to your fold. I pray for another daughter, seemingly successful by today’s society, but who, like so many now, parents with the near constant distraction of technology. I pray that my son finds the good Catholic woman he dreams of marrying. I pray for all priests and for the Holy Father’s intentions. Grant these prayers, if it be your will. In Jesus’ nsme.

  5. Thank you Lord for the day you gave me yesterday. Please pray for all my family, friends and fellow petitioners on this site, so they may all have good health and happiness this day. Pray that the fund raiser for our church goes better than expected, so we can raise enough money to pay off our debt, and have a little to put away for maintenance needs. Thank you for all blessings received. Amen

  6. Dear God please hear our prays. Prayers for the world. For everyone to be safe, and well. For all to come to you God for their lives. Bless the Pope, the President, the poor souls in purgatory, the sick, or mind and body. The lost souls here on earth, to find their way back to you Almighty God. Amen.

  7. Heavenly Father, I’m praying for the souls of my Mother, Father, Brother and other relatives who passed away already. Please always open the doors of heaven for them. I’m also praying for the requests and intentions of this online community. Be my shepherd at all times in all plans and actions. Help me accomplish my tasks at the soonest possible time. Guide the whole family and protect us from any harm and danger. Lord, hear our prayers. In Jesus name, Amen.

  8. lord jesus sna po mtpos n problema ko s mga gmot risdin n green rivotril syclop xanor serenace akineton ziproc altrox akidin vit ni kuya emil tolanz pls sna wg n po un gmulo s isip ko pls sna wla n bmulong kalain bakekang panget pg umiinom ako gmot umaga at gabi pls sna wg n tmambay s labas cla gami aldrin chris kalbo pls sna tmhmk n pristina pls sna wg n kmi mgkailangan ni pyt pls sna wg n rn sna sya mglakwatsa pls sna umuwi n sya maaga plgi pls sna wg nko mlgsan ng ngipin kht kelan pls sna wg nko mhilo mataranta matense kht kelan pls sna wg nko guluhin ng taong nkkslmuha ko pls sna mgnda araw ko plgi pls sna mklipat nko trece pls sna mlpt n pls sna mkbyd kmi monthly trece pls sna mgswa nmn kkalakwatsa cla pyt at manas pls tska nlng pglipat ko trece pls sna mtgl p mgpbkod c kalbo pls sna wg n rn sna sya mgitara lbas nla pls sna wg n rn sna mgybng kotse nya pls sna wg n rn sna sya tmambay s lbs nla pls sna mka di out ako pg umiinom ako gmot o vit aalis man ako o hndi pls sna mkmove on nko pumogi mgka gf mkpgwork sna wg nko mtkot s tao pls sna wla lkad cla pyt at manas bkas pls tska nlng pls sna mgnda araw ko bkas sna umulan bkas sna mga hpon p pmnta cla manas bkas sna tmhmk n pristina pls sna mgtgl to skn 3310 ko pls sna wg n mlowbt sna tmwg n camella pls sna tulungan nyo nmn ako mbbliw nko d2 lord jesus help protect me ptwd po s lht ng kslanan ko tnx amen

  9. Lord Jesus, please do not let America go to war with North Korea. Bless and guide all of the governmental leaders of this world, especially Donald Trump. Bless me and my family and let us find jobs that allow us to support ourselves and bless all those who work but still are in proverty. Lord you are the only one we can turn to for help. Please fill us with your spirit and aid us in our suffering. Bless your priests and bishops. Bless our protestants brothers and may the become united with the Catholic Church. Bless the muslims and may they become convinced of Jesus death and the the holy Trinity. Bless the racists of this world and may the hate filled hearts be turned to love. Bless the media in may they stop peddling lies and pornagraphic filth. Lord look down upon the public school system and stop them from teaching that abortion, premarital sex, and homosexuality are morally okay. Please Lord help us to go out in fix this world.

  10. Lord, thank You for today. Thank You because we got together, and were able to spend time with our family. Thank You for the love and life.

    Lord, forgive me for my sins. Forgive me for my laziness, Lord. Forgive me because I know I have offended You repeatedly. Help me become a better person. Help me change my bad ways. Help me to be consistent in my faith and love.

    Lord, I am worried about Chloe’s condition. She has hives, but I do not know what caused it. Her hives are becoming worse and worse. Lord, I please give me her condition. Please do not make her suffer, I will take it, Lord. I offer to You this one, Lord. Please help us understand what caused it. Heal Chloe, Lord. Cure her. Touch her with Your healing hands, Lord. I also pray for others who need You now, Lord, especially those who are sick and troubled.

    I trust You, Lord. Your will be done.

    I ask for the intercession of Our Mother, Mother of Perpetual Help, St. Benedict, St. Scholastica, St. John Paul II, St. Josemaria Escriva, Blessed Alvaro del Portillo. Amen.

  11. God almighty, blesses be Your name once more. Alpha and Omega, nothing is possible without You and everything is poqsible with You. I am grateful for the gift of today. I didn’t deserve to see this but just because Your mercy is great. I am sorry for all the wrongs that i have done in my life. I ask for forgiveness of sins. Lord take a look on my family and friends please, protect them from evil, and take care of them. Lord You know my aspirations, wishes, fears, worries, i am nothing without You. Therefore i need You to see through me. Jesus Lord teach me charity and love, that i can contribute to span peace in the world. Mother Mary, i love you, please always stay with me and care for me. Through Christ Our Lord Amen

  12. Thank you for answering my prayers God and for blessong me according to your will. I pray for peace to prevail in our land Kenya during our forthcoming general elections. Protect us and keep us safe. Guide us and give us wisdom to make the right choices. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

  13. Dear God,
    I ask that you bless my son Alexander with the strength, clarity and motivation needed to resolve his health issues. Dear Lord, please guide him in making good choices in his life and please heal his depression and anxiety. Thank you . Amen

  14. Heavenly Father, please continue to help my husband with his depression. Guide my adult children back to church and I lift up to you Lord, my marriage. Thank you for always helping me and my family. Amen!

  15. Dear God thank you for guiding me today, sorry I ate a little to much. Please I would like to pray for my children, and please help Liz feel better. May L &A keep us informed. Thank you for my sisters being together. Thank you God for all of our Blessings. Amen.


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