Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Thank you, Lord, for your continued help. I am grateful to be feeling better and more optimistic. Please help us all. Praying to get work done that I need to do, smoothly.
    Praying for M and J to have a quick, smooth, and positive transition to their new homes. Praying that they will find places as fast as possible.
    Praying for bullies to lose their power and for people to wake up to them and call them out. We don’t need bullies, people who are being manipulative, and who have poor boundaries and mean intentions. Lord, help these toxic people to wake up to their potential as kind, respectful, and productive citizens. Help them to see past their fears or insecurities or whatever it is that brings out their awful behavior. Lord, help us all.Amen

  2. Dear Lord, hear our prayers. Almighty Father, Lord Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit and all the Saints that watch over us, please pray for me and my family, stand by us, protect us and keep us safe. I humbly beg of You, please, grant me the one Miracle that I pray for in my prayers, and petitions, spoken and unspoken, each and every day. Continue to help us in every way and anyway that You can. Please find it in your hearts to pray for all the petitioners on this wonderful site. In Your names I ask these things. Thank You for prayers answered even those prayers that are unspoken. Please, everyone that I pray to every day, keep those that are homeless or just alone, safe and warm today and through out the entire year. Amen, amen.

  3. dearest god please grant me the blessings i beg if you for my family. grant that my family become more spiritual and strong in prayer life. give repentance and detachment from worldly ways and turn to god wholeheartedly. almighty god give my husband j and son t deliverance from all their bondages especially from the addiction of smoking, alcohol, internet. sweet jesus accept my humble prayer and bless my family, my daughter t and her husband k in their daily lives. lord i submit my family into your hands lord in your mercy grant us our daily needs according to your will. amen thank you lord. praise you jesus, love you jesus.

  4. Lord Jesus Christ I pray You to come to my family, come to my divorced parents, come to help my dad with his job, help me on finishing college and finding a job. Come Lord Jesus to the Church, help the Pope, the cardinals, bishops, priests, seminarians, nuns and religious to be holy men and women who bring Your Gospel to people’s hearts. Come to the hearts of men and women with same sex attraction, of women who have aborted, of criminals, of thieves, of murdereres, of rapists, of drug dealers, of terrorists and all of those who live in sin and do evil. Come to the hearts of protestants, of muslims, of jews, of hindus, of buddhists, of deists, of agnostics, of atheists and all those who don’t know Your Truth. Come Lord Jesus, heal our hearts and renew our world. Amen

  5. Please protect and heal all my large family and draw them closer and closer to you. Please send me financial help so I won’t have to sell my home and so I can get new glasses, new dentures and hearing aids. I can’t financially take care of myself very much and I don’t want to lose my home. Please help me.

  6. mama mary your son will not refuse my request today for releasing my grandson from substance and mental illness and his mom from diseases of kidney liver and ovaries and any othr disease knoown or unknown.i know you said yes to him and he will say yes yes yes to your request on my behalf and i want to thank you in advance for pleading to your son for my family.which i want to pattern after your family. im confidennt that my prayers throuh you will b and is answered rite now. amen amen and ammen.all thhe angels and saints intercede also for us.

  7. Mother Mary and Jesus Please Help me that I will have the courage and strength to go with My Major surgery next week and that no Cancer will be found. Also that My Kevin gets better soon from the nasty fall he took,, Take care also of my Youngest daughter and Her family who are currently going some rough times , that they get over this hurdle ,,, Please Intercede for all of us ! Amen

  8. For the health of my parents, especially my mom, who had a lung transplant and a colectomy this year and is also facing gallbladder surgery.

    That my friend, Mark, and I will find employment, preferably jobs that offer great pay, great benefits.

  9. Amen please pray for me and my family members are against the Catholic church and faith my wife who is disabled and has 2 broke feet my son has seizures my wanting to be Catholic and i will pray for each of u amen

  10. Please pray for my son. He has lost his way. He is influenced by an individual that does not have his interests in their heart. My heart is breaking as this child is loved by all our family. Please pray he does not make choices that will impact him for his life on earth and after.

  11. Please Lord Jesus wrap Your loving arms around my daughter and bring her peace in her heart, mind and soul. Help her and all others who are dealing with a broken heart to recover by being drawn closer to You Most Holy Father in Jesus name I pray.


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