Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Prayers for the souls of our Brother Nelson, Father Vic, Mother Carmen, Relatives, Friends, and recently Auntie Mely who had joined the Kingdom of God. May they have eternal peace.

  2. Heavenly Father, God of the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles. Yahweh, the Living God. Good Lord, You are just, merciful and kind. Merciful Father in total submission to Your Divine Will i bow and worship You. Good Lord, may Your Holy name be exalted above every other name now and forever.
    Merciful God, i have sinned against You, only against You and done what You consider evil. Good Lord, You are right in judging me. You are justified in condemning me. Merciful God, please wash me clean with the Blood of Your Son, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
    Mighty Jesus, i can not express my gratitude enough for Your providence, protection and guidance. I thank You for Your mercy, compassion and love. Thank You Good Lord, for all You do for me.
    Heavenly Father i come before You humbled, begging for the holy souls in purgatory, the sick, the poor, and the persecuted.
    Good Lord, please welcome the holy souls in purgatory into Your Heavenly kingdom.
    Merciful God, please heal the sick and provide for the poor.
    For the persecuted, Good Lord, please grant fortitude and perseverance to Your creatures.
    Begging for Your Church, the Holy Catholic Church and her leaders. The Pope, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests and all the ecclesiastical orders of the Holy Catholic Church.
    Good Lord please remember Your word in Matthew 16:18. Mighty Jesus, please grant decernment and zeal to Your servants.
    Begging for all world leaders and their citizens. Mighty King, please let St. Michael the Archangel, the Archangels and the host of angels protect and guide all
    I beg You, King of kings, please remember the armed forces of the world. Good Lord, please let the seven spirits that stand before Your Throne protect and guide us.
    Mighty Jesus, please remember the farmers, former secular artists, computer scientists and plumbers. Good Lord, please grant spiritual conversion to Your creatures and bless the work of their hands.
    Begging for the end of all systems of government that does not work in accordance to the Divine Will of Yahweh.
    Begging for all in position of power. Good Lord, please grant wisdom and understanding to Your creatures.
    Begging for those in agony, penury and in despair.
    Good Lord, please grant succour and hope to Your creatures.
    Begging for families, those in prison, and the rejected.
    Good Lord, please grant peace, oneness and filial love to families. Good Lord, please set the captives free and in Your loving care and compassion please remember the rejected. Amen.
    Holy Mary pray for us.
    Holy angels and saints of God intercede for us. Amen.

  3. For Nora on her birthday today, for a successful recovery from surgery, and no amputation needed for my father-in-law, For my parents to have continued strength in their recuperations, and for the conversion of my family, protection and health for everyone. For my husband to have wisdom and the desire for sobriety, as well as his father.

  4. Please help me pray for a miracle or breakthrough in our finances, in Jesus Christ’ most holy and powerful name, AMEN.

  5. Thank You Lord the blessings received and prayers answered. Lord please forgive me of my sins. Oh Lord please guide, protect, keep safe, healthy and happy; me, my family and dear friends in all our travels and endeavors today. I pray for the souls in purgatory especially for the souls of my Mom and Dad. Thank You Lord for the guidance received at the time of my heart attack; please heal my heart and body giving me strength. Please guide my daughter in all her endeavors with a happy attitude and pain free; please guide her doctor to find the cause and cure of her pain to keep her healthy. Please eradicate all forms of the covid-19 disease from the world. Please keep Pope Francis healthy as he leads Your church. Comfort all my family and friends who are fighting and enduring heart disease, cancer, arthritis, dementia, illness, injury and surgery. Please Lord guide world leaders toward peace especially in Ukraine, Russia, Africa and the Middle East. Lord please hold the people affected by storms, earthquakes and fires close to Your heart. Lord please continue to guide the people who are finding good healthcare for the communities affected by the closing of hospitals and clinics in the area. Blessed Mother Mary please pray for us. Lord hear my prayers. Amen


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