Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Dear Lord,

    Thank you for allowing me to see another day. Thank you for my health, friends, family, safety, job, and home.

    On Memorial Day, thank you for those who have sacrificed their lives to preserve the freedoms we have in the United States of America. Thank you for the strength and resilience of their family members who have grieved their losses. I pray for your comforting presence to be with those who continue to grieve or face struggles related to the deaths of our military members.

    I thank you for having kept me safe this past week at work. Please continue to keep me students and me safe. May I also provide them with meaningful, effective flight instruction.

    I pray for an increase in faith, the souls in Purgatory, all travelers, and for the special intentions that people around the world have.


  2. Please pray for my friend’s grandson who was shot the other day and is awake after surgery, but not talking, yet! Unfortunately the 2 bullets still remain in his back! His name is Terien Bell, a 24 year old young man.
    Also could you please pray for Catherine Vande Zande who went up to see her Lord on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024. For her family who misses her terribly! May God comfort the broken hearted so they find peace in God’s awaiting arms.

  3. Please pray for all the patriots who gave their lives so that we can remain free. Please pray that I can maintain my health , at least, until my check clears. Then I can obtain the needed medicine

  4. Heavenly Father, Almighty God, Holy, Just and Kind. HE whose Throne is the Seat of Mercy. The Eternal Word, the I AM that I AM. The God of the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles. Yahweh, the Living God. In total submission to Your Divine Will i bow and worship You. Mighty Jesus may Your Holy name be extolled now and forever.
    Merciful God, Holy Immortal God. You are Holy, the Holy of holies. I am Your creature, sinful, unrepentant and obstinate. Good Lord, please pardon, forgive and wash me clean with the Blood of Your Son, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
    I am sorry for having offended You. Please forgive me Merciful God.
    Mighty Jesus, i thank You for life, good health and Your unending blessings. Benevolent God, i am grateful for all You do for me. Thank You, Good Lord
    I come before You humbled, begging for world peace, the Holy Catholic Church, and the leaders of the Church.
    Almighty God, Prince of Peace, please let the world be at peace now and till the end of time. Heavenly Father, please remember Your Church, the Holy Catholic Church. Almighty Father, please remember Your word in Matthew 16:18. Good Lord, please fight for Your Church. Merciful Lord, please grant decernment, zeal and wisdom to Your creatures.
    Begging for all world leaders and their citizens. Mighty Jesus, please let St. Michael the Archangel, the Archangels and the host of angels guide and protect all.
    For the armed forces of the world. Good Lord, please let the seven spirits that stand before Your Throne protect us.
    Begging for the holy souls in purgatory, the sick, the poor and the persecuted. Good Lord, please welcome the holy souls in purgatory into Your Heavenly kingdom. Merciful Lord, please heal the sick, provide for the poor and grant fortitude and perseverance to the persecuted.
    Begging for all those in agony, penury and in despair. Mighty Jesus, please grant succour and hope to Your creatures.
    Begging for athletes, former secular artists, computer scientists, health practitioners and students.
    Mighty Jesus, please grant spiritual conversion to Your creatures, please bless the work of their hands and grant the students examination success.
    Finally, I beg You, Good Lord, please grant the expensive spiritual gift of contrition to Your creatures. Amen.
    Holy Mary pray for us.
    Holy angels and saints of God intercede for us. Amen.

  5. Please help me pray for my intention of achieving a BIG breakthrough in me and my family’s finances SOON🔜⏳⌛ as I can truly say my parent’s time to shd their mortal coils are nearing, and I fear I have nowhere and no one else that I can turn to for help. This has been a 37 year long request for this; 28 of just chilling and bidding my time and 9 years of real struggle. For those that have the heart because they know what it’s like… please, I beg of you my dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

  6. Please pray for me and my loved that the Lord bless each and everyone of us. Forgive us of our sins. Please open doors of opportunity and provide abundance. Bring hope, true love, prosperity, and good health to me and my loved ones. Watch and guide my mom during her struggles. Please help me achieve my dreams and goals. Let me obtain an amazing job and bring the person I’m supposed to be with to start a family with into my life now. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

  7. Thank You Lord for the blessings received and for the prayers answered. Lord please forgive me of my sins. Lord please guide, protect, keep safe, healthy and happy; me, my family and dear friends in all our travels and endeavors today. I pray for the souls in purgatory especially for the souls of my Mom and Dad. Thank You Lord for the guidance received at the time of my heart attack; please heal my body and heart to give me strength. Please guide my daughter in all her endeavors with a happy attitude and pain free; guide her doctor to find the cause and cure of her pain to keep her healthy. Comfort all my family and friends who are fighting and enduring heart disease, cancer, arthritis, dementia, illness, injury and surgery. Please eradicate all forms of the covid-19 disease from the world. Please Lord keep Pope Francis healthy as he leads Your church. Please guide world leaders toward peace especially in Ukraine, Russia, Africa and the Middle East. Lord please hold the people who are affected by storms, earthquakes and fires close to Your heart. Please continue to guide the people who are finding good healthcare for the communities affected by the closing of hospitals and clinics in the area. Blessed Mother Mary please pray for us. Lord hear my prayers. Amen


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