Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Dear Lord, hear our prayers. Almighty Father, Lord Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit and all the Saints that watch over us, please pray for me and my family, stand by us, protect us and keep us safe. I humbly beg of You, please, grant me the one Miracle that I pray for in my prayers, and petitions, spoken and unspoken, each and every day. Continue to help us in every way and anyway that You can. Please find it in your hearts to pray for all the petitioners on this wonderful site. In Your names I ask these things. Thank You for prayers answered even those prayers that are unspoken. Amen, amen.

  2. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed on me and my family. Thank you for continuously watching over us and protecting us.
    Through the intercession of Mother Mary and all the saints…
    I pray for peace in the world, our country (esp. during this time), in my family and in my heart. For it is through you that true peace maybe obtained.
    I pray for those who are affected by natural disasters and wars. May you embrace them in your grace and loving arms as they go through these difficulties.
    I pray for all souls: those that we know, those that have no one to pray for them, those that recently passed away, and for the souls in purgatory.
    Please help me to live each day with the attitude of gratitude.

  3. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed on me and my family. Thank you for continuously watching over us and protecting us.
    Through the intercession of Mother Mary and all the saints…
    I pray for peace in the world, our country (esp. during this time), in my family and in my heart. For it is through you that true peace maybe obtained.
    I pray for those who are affected by natural disasters and wars. May you embrace them in your grace and loving arms as they go through these difficulties.
    I pray for all souls: those that we know, those that have no one to pray for them, those that recently passed away, and for the souls in purgatory.
    Please help me to live each day with the attitude of gratitude.

  4. Comment: Heavenly Father I Give Thanks To You For Giving Me the Caring,Loving Family and Friends that i Have and Please Proctect Them everyday, Lord im loosing to my Life because of many Illiness upon Me Please pray for me I Ask This Through Christ our Lord Amen


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