Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Please pray for Nicole, a co-worker of mine, that she can get the help she needs to learn how to manage her stress without lashing out at others. Help my bosses to find good ways to handle the situation to everyone’s long-term benefit.
    Lord, help me to find a good way to deal with Karen. She is exhausting and I want to find a good strategy for dealing with her. Please help me have peace of mind and not let her get to me so much.
    Continuing prayers for Melanie and may the people around her recognize that she needs help and encourage her to get it. Saint Dymphna, pray for her and help those around her to genuinely help her and not enable her dysfunctional ways of interacting. Praying for her to get the solid help she needs.
    Lord, I feel exhausted sometimes with the difficult, broken people surrounding me in my life, but help me remember to have compassion for them, to pray for them, and help me to have peace of mind on my own part. I pray for my own brokenness and hurt as well. Lord, you guide us through so much, and I am tremendously grateful.

  2. My Pop Pop passed away last Friday. I was very close with him. We talked every day. He was the last of his generation in our family. My mom us so heart broken and depressed. Please keep the family of George Washington Sauter in your prayers.

  3. Lord Jesus bless my three children that are out of job with gainful employment and increase their finances. Please grant me the total healing of my body. I want to start walking. Thank you Jesus

  4. Heavenly Father, thank you for another productive day and forgive me for my sins. Please always open the doors of heaven for my departed loved ones: my Mother Carmen, Father Victorino, Brother Nelson and other relatives who had joined your kingdom. Protect our nation and family from any harm and danger. Please hear the prayer petitions and intentions of this online community. In Jesus name, Amen.

  5. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Melvyn D. Hopkins, as well as all the intentions included here. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  6. Dear lord please heal my sickness ,my headache ,my heart failure,and my insomnia,please Lord I’m so tired of so many sickness ,I ask these in Jesus name amen

  7. Heavenly Father I thank you for the gift of my grandson! I pray to be completely healed. I ask St Jude, St Peregrine and Padre Pio for their loving intercession for a clean, clear and cancer free MRI on 10-19 and to rid my body of cancer fully. Nothing is impossible through Christ my savior! Amen

  8. Please lord forgive me for all my sins. I thank you for another day. I pray that you will continue to guide and protect my family, friends, and I. I ask you remove all negative thoughts form my mind. I pray that you continue to guide me to success at work and school. I pray that i will soon be promoted at work. I pray that my bf and I will workout under your blessing. I want to be able to have a family and get married. Bless me with such greatness lord. I am feeling very depressed and down for the events that have recently occurred. Please help me shake off these feelings off and allow me to move forward. Only you God can judge me. Please continue to watch for my family’s health. This I ask of the lord from the bottom of my heart. Please hear my prayers.

  9. Please Lord, guide and protect my daughter, keep her healthy and happy. Please give me the strength to be a better person. Please help all my family, friends, and fellow petitioners on this site be happy and healthy. Please guide our world leaders to establish world peace. Thank you for all blessings received and please grant our petitions today. Amen

  10. lord jesus/mama joseph and an st denis and all the angels and saints intercede for my grandson and his mom .jesus you know everything about the needs of this family. i trust in you thanks for answered prayer, increase my faith.amen amen and amen,

  11. I pray for cure of Dev from illness n to be restored to good health. I pray for getting extension in service. I pray for health n healing for self family and near ones pray for our holy Father and all priests. I pray for gift of faith for Dev and basu.

  12. I thank God for all answered prayers. Please pray for the needy, the sick and the homeless to receive the help and comfort that they require. For political stability in our country Kenya. For my jobless situation…that I may receive gainful employment. For financial breakthrough…that I may be able to settle my debts and bills. For marriage. ..that I may be soon found by a God-ordained partner. For fruit of the womb…that I may be blessed with a family. For good health…that I may be protected from any infirmities. For my parents…that good health and healing may be their portion. For my brothers…that the spirit of arrogance, pride, stubbornness and alcoholism be destroyed from their lives. For my sister…that her family is covered in the blood of Jesus and protected from evil forces. For my daughter…that she is shielded from bad company, absorbs whatever she is taught in school, remains obedient and free from infirmities. FINALLY, that God continues to strengthen my faith and give me the patience to wait for his answers as i pray. In Jesus name, amen!

  13. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints. Dear Lord, please watch over and protect those who are affected by the natural disaster esp. my family and the people of Santa Rosa,CA. Please Lord, please help us stop this fire…please help us to calm the wind. Please protect the firefighters as well… Amen ?

  14. I pray for total healing for my family. I thank God for the gift of life and for adding a new age me. May he help me to know and love him more. Bless the work of my hand and bless me with a good partner that we may have a peaceful home

  15. Today, Father, I pray for all those in pain, physical, emotional or spiritual, including myself, and especially for the victims of all these natural disasters and violence. I pray today for direction for myself for gainful work or a job. I still want and need to work even though I have become unemployable in the areas I used to work. I have felt lost and need new inspiration and direction and confidence to start again. This I pray in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

  16. Pido al Señor que regale un trabajo digno que permita a mi novio permanencer en mi país.
    Pido también por la neiva ida que comienzo viviendo sola paraque el Señor me ayuda a madurar en todos lso aspectos de mi vida.
    Pido a Dios que me regale otro trabajo con horarios menos esclavizantes y mejor pago, si es santa voluntad. Amén

  17. Lord, please continue to help my husband with his depression and issues. I pray that he starts going to church with me. All I can do is invite him to go to mass with me. He always says, “no” so I leave it in your hands. Thank you Lord, for all my blessings and for always helping me. Amen!


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