Litaniae Sanctorum (Litany of the Saints)


The Litany of the Saints (Latin, Litania Sanctorum) is a sacred prayer of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a prayer of invocation to the Triune God, and prayers for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and all the martyrs and saints upon whom Christianity was founded.

It is most prominently sung during the Paschal Vigil at the beginning of Sacraments of Initiation for those to be received that night into the Church, in other celebrations of the Sacrament of Baptism (the first of the Sacraments of Initiation,) and in the liturgy for Holy Orders.

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    • um not necessarily, Litania is the singular, so it would literally mean “The Litany of the Saints” the plural, Litaniae, would make it ” the Litanies of the Saints” i mean ultimatley it doesnt matter .

  1. I heard the Litaniae more than a time. This is the Original One that others translated it to their languages. I was very much affected when I saw (in within) the painting of a lion ready to devour the early christians. My tears shed down unvoluntary. Please inform me: What was the formal language in Rome at those days, Italian or Latin! appreciate it. Victor Sam’an

    • Latin was the formal language. I don’t know however if the lower classes spoke Latin or Italian, but the cultured upper class spoke Latin. Please check me on the last part re Italian.

      • The population spoke the common latin language which is referred to as Vulgar Latin, where vulgar has the meaning of common. The vulgar latin of each area was probably strongly influenced by the original languages spoken before Roman assimilation. Over time, the Vulgar Latin languages diverged, drifted and evolved organically into the Romance languages spoken today.

  2. this is so beautiful wish i spoke and understood lation as they do not teach or speak it any more but this is just beautiful
    thank you for sharing
    god bless your ministary

    • Yes, isn’t it gorgeous? Here’s my translation:

      Kyrie, eleison. = Lord, have mercy
      R. Kyrie, eleison. = Lord, have mercy

      Christe, eleison. = Christ, have mercy
      R. Christe, eleison. = Christ, have mercy

      Kyrie, eleison. = Lord, have mercy
      R. Kyrie, eleison. = Lord, have mercy

      Pater de caelis Deus, = God, the Father of heaven,
      R. miserere nobis. = have mercy on us.

      Fili Redemptor mundi Deus, = God, the Son, the Redeemer of the world,
      R. miserere nobis. = have mercy on us.

      Spiritus Sancte Deus, = God, the Holy Spirit,
      R. miserere nobis. = have mercy on us.

      Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, = Holy Trinity, one God,
      R. miserere nobis. = have mercy on us.

      Sancta Maria, = Holy Mary,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancta Dei Genetrix, = Holy Mother of God,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancta Virgo virginum, = Holy Virgin of virgins,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancti Michael, Gabriel, et Raphael, = Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Omnes sancti Angeli, = All you holy Angels,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Abraham, = Holy Abraham,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Ioannes Baptista, = Saint John the Baptist,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Ioseph, = Saint Joseph,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Omnes sancti Patriarchae et Prophetae, = All you holy Patriarchs and Prophets,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancti Petre et Paule, = Saints Peter and Paul,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Andrea, = Saint Andrew,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancti Ioannes et Iacobe (maior), = Saints John and James (the greater),
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Matthaee, = Saint Matthew,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Omnes sancti Apostoli, = All you holy Apostles,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Marce, = Saint Mark,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancta Maria Magdalena, = Saint Mary Magdalene,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Omnes sancti discipuli Domini, = All you holy disciples of the Lord,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Stephane, = Saint Stephen,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Ignati (Antiochene), = Saint Ignatius (of Antioch),
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Polycarpe, = Saint Polycarp,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Iustine, = Saint Justin,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Laurenti, = Saint Lawrence,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancta Agnes, = Saint Agnes,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Omnes sancti martyres, = All you holy Martyrs,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancti Leo et Gregori, = Saints Leo and Gregory,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Ambrosi, = Saint Ambrose,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Augustine, = Saint Augustine,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancti Basili et Gregori (Nazianzene), = Saints Basil and Gregory (of Nazianus),
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Benedicte, = Saint Benedict,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancte Ioannes Maria (Vianney), = Saint John Mary (Vianney),
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancta Teresia (de Avila), = Saint Teresa (of Avila),
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Sancta Elisabeth, = Saint Elizabeth,
      R. ora pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Omnes Sancti et Sanctae Dei, = All you holy men and women, Saints of God,
      R. orate pro nobis. = pray for us.

      Propitius esto, = Be merciful,
      R. Libera nos, Domine. = Deliver us, O Lord.

      Ab omni malo, = From all evil,
      R. Libera nos, Domine. = Deliver us, O Lord.

      A morte perpetua, = From everlasting death,
      R. Libera nos, Domine. = Deliver us, O Lord.

      Per Incarnationem tuam, = Through Your Incarnation
      R. Libera nos, Domine. = Deliver us, O Lord.

      Per sanctam resurrectionem tuam, = Through Your Holy Resurrection
      R. Libera nos, Domine. = Deliver us, O Lord.

      Per refusionem Spiritus Sancti, = Through the coming of the Holy Spirit,
      R. Libera nos, Domine. = Deliver us, O Lord.

      Christe Fili Dei vivi, = Christ, Son of the living God,
      R. miserere nobis, = have mercy on us,

      Qui in hunc mundum venisti, = Who came to this world,
      R. miserere nobis, = have mercy on us,

      Qui in mortem propter nos accepisti, = Who accepted death because of us,
      R. miserere nobis, = have mercy on us,

      Qui a mortuis resurrexisti, = Who rose from the dead,
      R. miserere nobis, = have mercy on us,

      Qui Spiritum Sanctum in Apostolos misisti, = Who sent the Holy Spirit to the Apostles,
      R. miserere nobis, = have mercy on us,

      Qui venturus es iudicare vivos et mortuos, = Who will come to judge the living and the dead,
      R. miserere nobis. = have mercy on us.

      Ut nobis parcas, = That You would spare us,
      R. Te rogamus audi nos. = we beseech You, hear us.

      Ut ecclesiam tuam sanctam regere et conservare digneris, = That You would think it worthy to govern and protect your holy church,
      R. Te rogamus audi nos. = we beseech You, hear us.

      Ut omnes homines ad Evangelii lumen perducere digneris, = That you would think it worthy to lead all men to the light of the Gospel,
      R. Te rogamus audi nos. = we beseech You, hear us.

      Christe, audi nos, = Christ, hear us.
      R. Christe, audi nos. = Christ, hear us.

      Christe, exaudi nos, = Christ, graciously hear us.
      R. Christe, exaudi nos. = Christ, graciously hear us.

      Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, = Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
      R. miserere nobis. = have mercy on us.

      Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, = Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
      R. miserere nobis. = have mercy on us.

      Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, = Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
      R. miserere nobis. = have mercy on us.

      Christe, audi nos. = Christ, hear us.
      R. Christe, audi nos. = Christ, hear us.

      Christe, exaudi nos. = Christ, graciously hear us.
      R. Christe, exaudi nos. = Christ, graciously hear us.

      Kyrie, eleison. = Lord, have mercy
      R. Christe, eleison. = Christ, have mercy.
      Kyrie, eleison. = Lord, have mercy.

  3. please, I must say that you guys need to be given millions of hand shakes for this wonderful ministry you are doing. these musics have added elements of renewals and inspiration in me. thanks all. I will live a catholic, die a catholic so help me God. Please could you help me for a way to downlaod (if possible) these songs for my daily meditations when I ma not on internet? I am appealing. Thanks. Tony

  4. Thanks for sharing this and for taking the time to translate and post the words. The first saints and martyrs were truly inspirational people and we have a lot to live up to.


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