On October 13th, 1884, exactly 33 years before the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Pope Leo XIII had a terrifying vision of the future of the Church.
With a handful of cardinals and Vatican staff members in attendance, Pope Leo XIII had finished celebrating mass in the Vatican Chapel. He suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar, his face having turned ashen white, and remained there standing for about ten minutes in a trance-like state.
Later when asked what had happened, Pope Leo XIII said that as he was about to leave the altar he heard two voices. One voice was of kind and gentle nature, while the other voice was guttural and grating. He listened to the voices, which seemed to emanate from the tabernacle, and overheard the following conversation:
The guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to our Lord: “I can destroy your Church.”
The gentle voice of our Lord: “You can? Then go ahead and do so.”
Satan: “To do so, I need more time and more power.”
Our Lord: “How much time? How much power?
Satan: “75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service.”
Our Lord: “You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what you will.”
After having the vision, Pope Leo immediately went from the Vatican Chapel to his private office and wrote the Prayer to Saint Michael, giving with it the instructions that it be prayed after all Low Masses.
The shorter version of the prayer written to Saint Michael the Archangel, which was instructed to be prayed after all Low Masses, is below:
“Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”
Editorial credit: Di Gregorio Giulio / Shutterstock.com
A very frightening vision indeed!! When we see all the confusion that has spread through the Church and the spread of homosexual sins and the acceptance of it,, the talk of allowing Holy Communion to those in irregular relationships, the lack of clarity from Pope Francis, I think we can safely say, Satan has been successful in leading the Church into the path of destruction!
Smh this is our church evolving. How can two people who love each other regardless of their gender be Sara’s work? If God created us all in his image then they are perfect. The spread of hate is Satan’s weapon so maybe it’s people like you who Satan is really after because you are using relation to spread the hate of homosexuality.
Every person is made in God’s image and yet we still sin. We are each burdened by unique vices and disorders to overcome. Homosexual inclinations/lust for the same sex is in that category. All of us suffer from inclinations that our rational mind knows to be wrong for us. “The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.” Although mankind is capable of great wrongs, we are also capable of mastering ourselves and redeeming our souls. Every generation of Catholics have rejected homosexuality, until this one. This is not enlightenment, it is foolish pride. If the teachings of the Church are supposed to be timeless and correct, but they are NOW conforming to secular ideals… that tells you something about the crisis inside the Church.
So are you testifying as a homosexual about this?
Thank you!
I agree with you 100%.God made us exactly how he wanted to and he doesn’t make mistakes.Just like you said hate and anger are Satan’s weapon.If two people of the same gender wanna be together because of love then let them because what Jesus wanted for us is to love one another unconditionally.
You are right to say God doesn’t make mistakes. But as the person above you David explained, God doesn’t will for you to sin. You are saying Jesus would approve of homosexual relations. Brother you are gravely WRONG! Amen, Jesus does want us to love one another unconditionally, but that Love is a pure and Holy Love. No person of the same sex if they are in “love” would give way to perverse acts. They will Love one another like Brother and sisters, a pure and Chaste love. Anything contrary to that is not Love but “Lust” Just as the Devil tries to make himself God, so to does he use Lust to impersonate Love. Many of us because of concupisense fall to our lesser desires. But the Lord has left behind for us the sacrament of confession to “wash clean our feet” because through baptism we are made clean, but at times we lust for that which is evil. We are to pray and co-operate with the graces of God to overcome our vices. May God Bless you brothers and sisters. Esp you who hide behind the name of Roman Catholic. For you are teaching falsely.
God is not the only one who can create & He doe not make mistakes. That is why He does not approve of homosexuality.
In much agreement with this reply. Exactly what I imagine Jesus would say.
Pope Leo XIII remains a wise prophetic Man of GOD – He coined the phrase near and dear to my Catholic heart – “Catholics were Born for Combat” – meaning never back down – always defend the faith and the truth –
It is evident from the comments most have come to the realisation of His Truths – as spoken by Michael Washburne Michelle Tavakoli P Edward Murray and others – “Hate the Sin Love the Sinner”
Sister Lucia one of the Shepard Children in the Fatima Vision revealed that the final showdown would be between Satan and The Family – Satan and his attempt to breakdown the Family.
As a Mother myself it is difficult to teach embrace the “Culture of Life” versus “Culture of Death” however; I find solace in Pope Leo XIII words – “CATHOLICS ARE BORN FOR COMBAT
Well said Michael Washburne!
I don’t hate homosexuals but I do hate the sin…and I’m praying for you. Don’t forget that God can, and will, forgive you your sins. He died for our sins! Pray to Him, beg him for forgiveness, and change your ways. You can talk to your Priest, ask him for his prayers, and ask him to help guide you away from your sins.
God Bless you! ✝️🙏
In love which has the earthly ultimate gain is not the love Jesus is taking about. If you say like that, then your understanding would be too literal and has no logic.
I don’t understand your comment Magok Iou. Could you please explain what you mean?
So if you kill an opponent of your friend out of Love, you are justified before God?
You are using love to prove God is with you.
Jesus taught marriage between one man and one woman. That’s it.
I think not!
Ever read bible old or new testsment? Sodomy is a grave sin. The apostle Paul and Peter and other apostles and Christ specifically mention this sin, also, fornicators, adulterers.
Agreed, Michelle Tavakoli.
You are an unfaithful Roman Catholic. Please change your name here. You do not deserve to call yourself Roman Catholic.
Yes he is in grave error and on an dangerous path – known as the more “wide road” leading to eternal damnation versus “the narrow road” leading to salvation and eternal life if the Kingdom – Jesus made it known he came for sinners and the sick – to save mankind and die for our sins – we must hate the sin and love the sinner and try to lead them to the truth – Jesus desires All Men to come to know his Truth and be Saved – When Jesus returns it will indeed be in judgment and you will either be “with him or against him” Please pray for this person that God soften their Heart
Homosexuality is a contradiction to the purpose of our creation. It is a sin.
Homosexuality inand of itself is not a sin. A homosexual lifestyle, when acted upon, is now and will always be a mortal sin. It is no different than a person with an insatiable urge to steal. It becomes a sin when the act of stealing is engaged.
It is interesting you would suggest homosexuality as this was not at all inferred in the vision itself, and it itself does not “destroy the church” as the vision commentary suggests would occur.
Perhaps the intercessory prayer penned by Pope Leo XIII and recited by millions of faithful has been fruitful.
Francis has truly love and copassion towards
all humen beeings and his deeds and belives are so full of Jesus spirit.
So I belive he is very important for all of us as a exsample to follow with all of our compassion and open heart to achive fully united with Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Maria ect…. All the blessings to you dear…
The Gates of Hell shall Never Prevail over the Catholic Church –
Right make it about homosexual behavior and not about the hierarchy of the church allowing the abuse of innocent children. The one thing going right for the church is the pope and the hope he is bringing to God’s people.
Where in the new testament does it say homosexuality is a sin?
Where does it say that it’s OK to hate and judge people?
Why bring homosexuality into it you are not Christian at all should be ashamed of yourself there are alot of good homosexual people in our churches that work alot harder than you the devil is in you saying things like this god made us all the way we are
Looks like you are right. I’m always afraid what has become of the church these days. It’s declining in Europe and the papacy is succumbing to gays and worldly things. May Almighty God be with the holy Catholic Church
I’ve read this and as a child did not understand why God would allow the devil to have this power. He is winning , our children are dying from drug overdoses, children are being sold in slavery for sex, our churches are empty and our government is allowing our own country to poison us with the food we grow. More unmarried couples live together having children. So many abortions are being performed and the medical companies are killing our seniors by poisoning them with the prescription the doctors are prescribing. We have lost control of our children and everyone acts like this us normal. God please stop the devil from the power you have given him. I cry for my children and grandchildren.
Pray to st Michael after the rosary. Do this daily. Say the Divine Mercy prayer daily. Go to communion as often as you can That us all we can do to fight this evil.
It’s tough to understand, but I think God is doing 2 things, 1) He’s only giving power to Satan over those who are already rejecting God and 2) It’s to show us that we need to rely on God more than ever, trust in Him and trust that the battle is already over, Satan can not win. A reminder I am often in need of. Let’s continue to pray for each other. Satan’s power, no matter how “strong” is still just a flea on the back of a giant in comparison to the power of our God.
This is Hope in our God. We pray
Amen! God wants us to keep our faith strong, to never allow Satan to weaken us…. and to have the courage to stand up for faith in God. Praying for our enemies
that the Hoy Spirit will fill their hearts and souls with love instead of all the hatred Satan wants them to keep. We need to pray for all people… especially those in most need of our Lord’s Mercy.
A very wise & discerning reply Rick.x
Amen to what you said, Rick! God is all powerful and he is in us, with us, and around us at all times! The devil is less than a tick.
God Bless all of us and don’t stop praying and doing His will! ✝️🙏
i AGREE WITH YOU Joette I also cry for my children and grandchildren but even though God has given SATAN MUCH POWER AND TIME HE has MERCY on us for HE has sent HIS HOLY MOTHER TO HELP US OVERCOME THE MANY EVILS – MARY THE MOTHER OF GOD AND OUR MOTHER is helping us pray and open your hears in constant prayer – BE NOT AFRAID I AM HOLDING YOUR HAND just pray and keep praying especially the HOLY ROSARY
Just like the two sided conversation… we have choices. Choose the light instead of the dark and help others to do so as well. God was/is confident in us. He knows how this will end and knows He will win. He wants to challenge us to see how much we Love Him over evil.
I agree with Joette, concerns I too can’t understand why God gave Satan this time to distroy us , if he so loves us . But then Gods ways is not our ways as he says !!!
Do you not see the parallel to Job?
As I ran across this and read it, I thought of Job, out of the blue, then I ran into what you posted just as I was thinking it…
Let us remember, Job was the first book, not Genesis. It seems to me that Job was Lamenting the total loss of EVERYTHING, as if a devastating event occured (destruction of Babylon?) We see how favored he was by God in how he didn’t blame God. Then Genesis (a new beginning) begins with an Adam and Eve. I believe that Job’s trouble occurred at the end of an era, where the beginning of a new era of time now starts with the new man.. Adam (and eve). We now see the same situation before us, we are at the end of the era of Pisces, which is the last two thousand years of a grander cycle of a 28,600 GREAT YEAR which is where we have the 12 signs of the mazzeroth, of which each the Sun stays in each sign (12-signs) approximately 2,300 years. The sun has now made a complete journey taking approximately 28,600 years. Let us remember that Jesus had 12-disciples, 12-tribes of Israel, 12- months in a year. Day has 12-hours and darkness has 12-hours, there were 12-gemstones in the breastplate of the High Priests, there are 12-numbers on a clock etc… the hints are all around us.
Now, we have the same situation occurring. We are being tested (as was Job when Satan ask if he could test Job, a righteous man) in that Satan has once again asked if he can tempt and test us. BUT, this time we have Jesus Christ and His mother to help us with awakening to the truth as Jesus has paid the price. The past 100-years has saw the most advanced technology in such a very short time. We have had 2-world wars and about to embark on a possible 3rd (Jesus Christ help us ) world War. Our Earth is going through a destructive cycle as we end this era and begin a new one soon. The logo of an apple with a bite in it on all “Apple” products give us a hint as to what the forbidden advancements were used for.. genetic cloning, AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH so shall it be in the END OF TIME. Nothing new UNDER the Sun. We are embarking on a global event occurring very soon with much destruction. This is exactly what the Blessed Mother has warned us about. The secrets have been given at Fatima. Garabandal, Akita, etc.. She is warning us of destruction at end of a this era (Pisces). She is the physical Arc of the Covenant.. Jesus is the NEW COVENANT, (New Testament, literally) and it is His Mother ( in which he gave us ) to be our mother if we become part of His Body.. called collectively, The Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is called THE CHURCH and The Blessed Virgin Mary is the MOTHER OF THE CHURCH. Jesus is the Way, Truth, and He is THE LIGHT. Most of these comments were before the Covid nightmare began.. look how crazy life has become since 2019-2024! It’s going to get tougher. We were BORN into this physical world without a stitch of clothing, no memories of who we are, etc.. we are about to be RE-BORN again. In Christ, as members of His perfect body!! This time with memories with a new resurrected body, a new beginning. As an aside, Pisces is the last of the 12-signs..(think of the mazzeroth as a clock.. it even has 12-numbers (signs) !!! we are at the end and what happens when the CLOCK STRIKES “12”???! We BEGIN A NEW DAY!! there is no other signs! so guess what? We begin all over again.. A new beginning!!! Yeh!! Praise Jesus Christ, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!! Do you see how all this was already fashioned for us? Satan taints all God’s good work and EVERYTHING he can to confuse us. He substitutes and inverts truth.
I do not understand why .I think the humain filter is at work here because it make no sense
Interestingly Pope St John Paul initiated the return of the traditional latin Mass almost 30 years ago.
Ever read bible old or new testsment? Sodomy is a grave sin. The apostle Paul and Peter and other apostles and Christ specifically mention this sin, also, fornicators, adulterers.
God’s ways are not our ways. (Isaiah 55:8)
When receiving the sacrament of baptism, the Priest asks if we know Satan and his evil intentions and in replying “yes ” we mean we are going to be mature enough to make right choices to alienate Satan! So, let’s do the right things!
Every human being is called to receive a gift of divine sonship, to become a child of God by grace. However, to receive this gift, we must reject sin, including homosexual behavior—that is, acts intended to arouse or stimulate a sexual response regarding a person of the same sex. The Catholic Church teaches that such acts are always violations of divine and natural law.
Homosexual desires, however, are not in themselves sinful. People are subject to a wide variety of sinful desires over which they have little direct control, but these do not become sinful until a person acts upon them, either by acting out the desire or by encouraging the desire and deliberately engaging in fantasies about acting it out. People tempted by homosexual desires, like people tempted by improper heterosexual desires, are not sinning until they act upon those desires in some manner.
People cannot help the way they are born I know alot of gay people who adopted children and make great parents and we do have gay priest you should never turn away your child if he or she is gay after all you made them that way they are a part of you your Gene’s
I can no longer receive Communion. My husband is a baptist. Don’t speak to me about raising children, I’m barren and now past the age of childbearing (as when I married, as if that matters). The question of just “living together” never came up. And yet I’m punished for loving one man, my first and only husband… Where is the tolerance for people like us? Nowhere! These days I worship at the Seawall, where God speaks in the sounds of the waves.
Without prying might I ask why are you no longer allowed to receive Holy Communion? I’m trying to connect the proverbial dots but there seems to be some missing information. Marrying a non-Catholic would not automatically exclude you from the sacramental life of the church/
Who told you you couldn’t receive communion if you were married to a Baptist (or any other denomination). This is completely incorrect. Unless he was married previously and has not received a declaration of nullity, you most certainly can receive communion. Please go talk to a Catholic priest. If your priest told you this, please find another one and get clarification on why you would be told this. Do not let the confusion of the devil keep you from Christ. Peace. I will pray for you.
Who says you can’t receive communion? Not God if you have a personal relationship with him. That is the most important thing. The Church has always told us what we can and can’t do . It is a relic of the time when clergy were venerated and the church was built on punishment, fear and sin. Many guilt trips were laid on people and many ridiculous stories told ie ..you would go to hell if you ate meat on Friday or missed mass. he Church treated us like children so we would be compliant and the Church would be safe.
Well iam devorced but I still go to communion why should I be denied the body and blood of christ jesus would not want that I dont just pay lip service at my church every Sunday I help people out side the church God will always come first in my life he didnt want me to live In a bad marriage God plans our lives ahead i say to you go receive comunion you need christ within you
I’m confused, Gulie. How does being married to a Baptist preclude you from receiving Communion?
1. The Scripture reference that comes to mind is the book of Job. The conversation between Satan & God is the same. To me this shows God’s confidence that the Church will remain faithful & stand the test.
2. This was in 1833, Satan had 75 to 100 years to try this. I think the Church won this round.
3. This battle does go on constantly between God & Satan. But we need to remember that it’s the by the Fruit that we know which Spirit is in action.
Nice say.
There were probably numerous ways in which the evil one used to bash the Church in the 20’Th Century, however, I believe that the #1 attack, were the sexually deviant men in the priesthood, that committed offences against young people. The Hierarchy should not have taken the prayer of St. Michael out of the Liturgy.
Everyone is forgetting one major event… The Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ!! He alone has won the battle against sin!! It has been more than 2000 yrs since this event. The Holy Catholic Church founded by Jesus himself still stands! Never doubt that. We all have the power of God in our hearts to defeat the Devil. Be not afraid, Jesus is always and eternally by Our side. Have faith, walk in the light of Christ. Amen and Peace be with you all ❤️
I can’t believe these people are this confused about right and wrong. First of all we don’t hate because we don’t celebrate or except sin and sinful relationships. We don’t condone or celebrate sex before marriage or living as married prior to marriage, does that mean we hate? Your name calling is a defence mechanism that helps you to turn your eyes and heart away from judgment. We don’t hate we love the sinner so much that we don’t encourage or except the sinful relationship. As we would hope that others would do for our sins.
Ever read bible old or new testsment? Sodomy is a grave sin. The apostle Paul and Peter and other apostles and Christ specifically mention this sin, also, fornicators, adulterers.
Comment: But what is the argument all about? We are persons with high IQs. God made man in the beginnig. He (GOD) saw to it that a man needs a woman,then He made the woman out of the man and gave her to the man. The man was happy and named her wife. Haven’t u read this in the Bible? So,do u think there is no God? He is hearing and seeing everything. If u believe in bible,then it is ok. Learn, u will believe.
If the St. Michael’s prayer above is the shorter version of what Pope Leo wrote, where is the original version? The prayer we say today is the shorter version to be said at low mass. Does this have something to do with the Latin Mass? I was born right as the changes in the mass were implemented and I have never been to a Latin Mass.
Latin Mass is now available in Chicago at many Churches!
Recently went to Latin Mass in Muskegon & Grand Rapids too!
Pope Leo XIII remains a wise prophetic Man of GOD – He coined the phrase near and dear to my Catholic heart – “Catholics were Born for Combat” – meaning never back down – always defend the faith and the truth –
It is evident from the comments most have come to the realisation of His Truths – as spoken by Michael Washburne Michelle Tavakoli P Edward Murray and others – “Hate the Sin Love the Sinner”
Sister Lucia one of the Shepard Children in the Fatima Vision revealed that the final showdown would be between Satan and The Family – Satan and his attempt to breakdown the Family.
As a Mother myself it is difficult to teach embrace the “Culture of Life” versus “Culture of Death” however; I find solace in Pope Leo XIII words – “CATHOLICS ARE BORN FOR COMBAT”
The Warning in the Apparition of our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, Lady of Akita in Japan, and Lady of Cuapa, Nicaragua is happening now. Let us pray for the safety of the Hostage Innocent Civilians, Church Workers, and our Law Enforcers. PRAYER WRITTEN BY POPE LEO XIII. Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/news/nation/611907/cbcp-head-asks-troops-prioritize-safety-of-priest-other-maute-hostages/story/?utm_source=GMANews&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=news
Marriage is between a man and a woman that’s it anything else is a sin its written in th bible
[…] into a sentimental attachment to the image of OL Fatima. Taken in conjunction with the vision of Pope Leo XIII we might hope, assuming that it was the 20th century which was given to Satan, that the triumph […]
The only sin on this earth is the sin of abortions every one who is thinking of abortion should be shown this
Cry From The Heart
Mummy keep me safe, Mummy keep me warm.
Handle me with care, Mummy help me to form.
am ten weeks old and I know the time will come
When you will give birth to me.
The gifts you gave to me are a pair of bright blue eyes
So some day I will see you smile and love me.
I’ve already got my arms and a little pudgy nose
And at the end of my feet I’ve got five little toes.
I look forward to my life, ice cream and slimey snails,
Teddy bears and little fairy tales.
Going for walks in the park, running home before
it’s dark,
And being tucked into bed with a kiss.
Where are we going today? Am I in a bath or bus?
Why are we lying down being drawn on four wheels?
Bang! we go through the door and there’s people
dressed in green.
Everything seems so strange and so clean.
Mummy, if they hurt you, just let out a scream
And I know someone will come to help you and me.
Mummy what’s going on? I am starting to cry.
Come quickly they’re forcing me to die.
They are killing me, Mummy. They are pulling
me apart,
My arms and legs and now they’re at my heart.
And I won’t see the sky or the grass or the trees,
And I won’t see the moon or feel the breeze.
I love you, Mummy dear, you know I really do,
But I only wish you could have loved me too.
There are too many posts about homosexuality, yet the vision never mentioned it. Rather than telling people that homosexuality is evil, it would be more beneficial to explain how can someone successfully avoid its temptations.
I know people who are attracted to Satan himself, thinking he’s cool, exciting, or free from rules. Those are the temptations the Prayer to St. Michael is trying to address. How can we, as good Catholics, steer people away from Satan? What can we do to help people want to bring God back into their lives? That conversation is far more effective than merely condemning the modern church or chatising homosexuals.
When mosses came after receiving the Ten Commandments why did he go angry with the Israelites?
What were they doing?