This is why living “in the world, but not of the world” like Jesus asks is so important! 💪
On this episode of “The Catholic Gentleman,” John Heinen, Sam Guzman and Devin Schadt
discuss the famous red/blue pill metaphor and how to truly live out your Catholic faith.
They explain how taking the “red pill” of faith means taking up your own cross and becoming a follower of Christ!
Devin reminds how Jesus doesn’t say “‘If you want to follow me, it’s going to be so easy, so comfortable, and you’re just going to love it.’ No, He says ‘deny yourself, take up your cross, then you can follow me.’”
Sam says Catholics face these choices between their faith and worldly comforts every day. In fact, “the red pill is something that’s actually being offered to us all the time over and over throughout our lives, and tragically very often we choose the blue pill.”
However, understanding your identity as a child of God can be helpful to resist worldly things and make the red/blue pill choice. Devin explains this is because “the insecure man has to find his identity and value in what the world proposes as top-notch. The secure man knows that the Father is calling him to greatness. He’s unshakable in that.”
While resisting the world’s distractions might be a daily battle, it’s needed to maintain a deep, authentic relationship with God. “You cannot serve two masters… you cannot be both a Catholic in the world and have it your way” says John Heinen.
The gentlemen have some great advice for listeners to help pick up your cross and start truly following Christ today!
Watch this episode below 👇
Have you taken the “red pill” of faith?
Credit: George Ryan via ChurchPOP