Cosmic origins

God & Modern Physics With Fr. Robert Spitzer

Fr. Spitzer and the Magis Center for Faith and Reason present "God & Modern Physics". Module 1 What can science tell us about creation and design?.
Cosmic origins

Cosmic Origins: Where Do We Come From?

Fr. Spitzer discusses the concept that the more we learn about the nature of the universe, the more science leads us toward God's existence.

Your Life Does Not Belong To You

Bishop Barron explores the link between atheism at Harvard and euthanasia laws in California

No Apologies #4: Mary is the New Eve

Fra Joseph continues his series of apologetics with No Apologies as he describes Mary as the New Eve who crushes the head of the serpent and thus contributes to the salvation of man just as the first Eve contributes to his down fall. Listen to this video as Fra Joseph explains how Jael and Judith play this role of serpent crushers and thus prefigure Mary who does the same with Her seed whom she bore through obedience.

No Apologies #9: Mary and the Cloud of Elijah

In this episode of No Apologies Fra Joseph explains why the cloud seen by Elijah after his battle with the false prophets has always been seen as a type of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

No Apologies #11: The Immaculate Conception

In this episode of No Apologies Fra Joseph takes a look at the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception of Mary means that she was conceived without any stain of original sin. This was done in view of the future merits of Jesus Christ.

No Apologies #41: Miracles

If we can show that Christ worked true miracles, then we have to believe that God approves His doctrine. At the heart of Christ doctrine is that He is God. Miracles are a proof of His Divinity!

No Apologies #46: 5th Step

On the 5th step we want to show that Christ did establish a church and that He intended all of His followers to belong to this church.

No Apologies #50: Church is Universal

The third mark of Jesus' Church is that of being universal - existing for all peoples and for all times. Only the Catholic Church can completely fulfill this requirement of universality.

No Apologies #52: Infallibility

Infallibility, based on reason and scripture, is a requirement for revealing the true Church of Christ.