What Happened to the Wealth of the Knights Templar?

Their abrupt fall from power has made them the subject of countless myths, legends, and folk stories. While the tales of mysterious hidden treasure are most certainly false, what really happened to the wealth of the Knights Templar?

The Catholic Priest Killed by the Klan for Performing an Interracial...

Not too long ago, faithful members of the Catholic Church in the United States used to face intense hostility and persecution in what is called "the deepest bias in the history of the American people."

Lent Lasts for 40 Days… Have You Ever Wondered Why?

The observance of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, where we are literally marked with a symbol of penitence, culminating six weeks later in the celebration of our Lord's Resurrection. But have you ever wondered why there are exactly forty days to Lent?

Heaven, Hell, and What Exactly? Purgatory Explained

When we die, we have but three destinations: Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. What exactly is purgatory, why is it necessary, and what basis do we have for its existence?

Amazing Coincidence or Proof? All Major Relics of Christ Have the...

Amazing coincidence or proof? When scientific studies were performed on miraculous consecrated Hosts that turned into physical flesh and blood, along with relics of Christ, they were all found to be of the same blood type - type AB.

What Happens When a Church Is Closed?

As demographics shift and the needs of Catholic communities change, some dioceses have to make the difficult decision to close down a church. What exactly happens to a church that is closed down?

According to the Bible, This Is Where The Battle of Armageddon...

The Book of Revelation prophesies that an end-times battle will be fought at a place called Armageddon. However, Armageddon isn't just an abstract term used to describe the final battle between good and evil - its actually a real place in Israel.

5 of the Earliest Non-Biblical References to Jesus

There are many secular and non-Christian writings from just shortly after His Ascension all the way to the fifth century that describe the Earthly Life of Jesus. What do these writings have to offer to us? Here are five of the earliest non-Biblical references to Jesus Christ.

Did You Know? Bluetooth Is Named After the First Christian Viking...

Bluetooth is a household name with its iconic logo present on almost every device we own. But have you ever wondered just how Bluetooth got its bizarre name? It turns out we owe the namesake to the first Christian Viking king.

The Miraculous Grotto Where Mary Breastfed Jesus

When the Holy Family fled Egypt from Herod's soldiers, they rested in a grotto near Bethlehem before continuing on their journey. Tradition says when Mary nursed the Baby Jesus, a single drop of milk fell on the ground, miraculously turning the entire cave a pure white.